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Percentage chance to loot X


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In the Alpha 20, is there an equal amount of chance to loot X item independent of game stage?   Or do some items only show up past a certain game level/stage?


I'm on day 37, and have looted about 10 different pop pills, military hospitals, etc, and can't for the life of me find a beaker.  My barter is maxed as well, zero beakers from traders. 


Should I not try to find anything like beakers until game state Y?  



Edited by ungkor (see edit history)
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Sounds like you're just having unlucky RNG rolls. In some games I find them pretty quickly and end up with way more than I need, in others I can go in game weeks without seeing one. And this is with checking traders every 3 days and hitting up the POIs where they have a chance to show up.

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It sounds like you're just getting really bad RNG rolls unfortunately. While the beaker is rare, I feel like most players find one within the first week, maybe 2.


As theFlu mentioned, a quick peak at the loot.xml will tell you that beakers in general are very rare, ranging from "veryLow" to "medLow" in probability, which translates to a 5-35% chance of looting that item. 35% might not sound that bad, but then you have to take into account that when looting, depending on the container, there are also other items that have an equal or greater chance to be selected, and you have to loot very specific containers in the first place. Your best bet at any loot stage of the game would be in Pop 'n Pills crates as well as T3, T4, or T5 reinforced loot containers. Those all carry the "medLow" probability. They're also found in medical piles, chem stations, and medical air drops, though those are all (except for the air drop) pretty low probabilities.


Tier 2 quests also appear to have a chance of rewarding the player with a beaker, but your base loot stage (if I'm reading the file correctly) must be 3 or 4. The chances are 33% and 42% respectively (but again, there's several other items that can be rewarded besides the beaker.


In answer to your general question of whether or not certain items are locked behind loot stage, I think I've heard that is the case, but I'm not familiar with the code enough to say definitively. If it is true, the beaker is not one of those items.

Edited by Syphon583 (see edit history)
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It's a little hard to get, but the only thing it gates is the chem station. Those you can buy pretty often or get as a quest tier reward, so it doesn't really ruin much in the vanilla game. Of course, you might never see the other chem stations either, but that's going to be pretty rare.

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For other players this is a welcome opportunity to play differently for once and cope with a new situation. Great for replayability.


 I checked XML and workstations and beakers are not in tier rewards (if I didn't make a mistake). I am a little surprised as I thought I had seen workstations as rewards in the game (?)



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50 minutes ago, meganoth said:

I checked XML and workstations and beakers are not in tier rewards (if I didn't make a mistake). I am a little surprised as I thought I had seen workstations as rewards in the game (?)

I'm sure I have taken stations as reward, and I found this entry in quests.xml:



    <quest id="quest_tier3complete">


        <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestChemistryStation" ischosen="true" value="4"/>


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