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How to recover a drone that is invisible after crash?


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My game crashed, causing multiple issues.  The worst being the loss of my hotbar items.  Those are gone for good, but one other issue that I'm hoping might be possible to recover is my drone.  It was following me when I crashed.  Now, it shows up on the map and compass next to the front gate of one of the Rekt traders.  When I go there, I can't see the drone, but I can see the yellow drone icon in front of the gate.  When I approach, the icon disappears.  When I move back, it appears again.  I can't interact with it or see it.  Logs show that it is loading/saving 1 drone, but I can't seem to access it.  I'm guessing it might be placed underground or something (though the icon suggests it's sitting on top of the ground), but it's a trader location and I can't exactly dig for it.


Is there any way to reset the position of a drone manually or via console?  Or to set it to Follow mode again (I'm assuming since it isn't following that it somehow was set to Stay mode)?  Maybe that will cause it to come to me on its own?


The logs show positions of vehicles regularly, but the only place it shows position of the drone is a warning:

WRN DroneManager already loaded #0, id 11060, [type=EntityDrone, name=entityJunkDrone, id=11060], (581.0, 38.1, 3470.8)


I notice it says JunkDrone... is that significant or just the way the drones are named?


As a note, this all happened after a crash that corrupted one region file.  Deleting the region allowed me to load the game, but initially my motorcycle was gone and not showing on the map.  I grabbed a minibike so I could look for it more easily and when I got near the area, I was suddenly on the motorcycle and the minibike had disappeared.  I drove the motorcycle to the trader to try and get the drone that showed there, but when I got off the motorcycle, I was teleported back to the minibike, which was now half buried and bouncing up and down and I couldn't move or attack (though I could open inventory).  My hotbar still had all items at this point.  I had to force close since I couldn't do anything.  When reopening, all hotbar items were gone and I was on the minibike with my motorcycle by the trader where I had gotten off of it when I was teleported to the half-buried minibike.  Frustrating to say the least.


I'm just hoping to recover the drone and its inventory.  It's at least something even though I lost all my best weapons and tools from my hotbar.

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You could try going into god mode and search below ground and go high in the sky. You can also use the creative menu to get your hotbar items back though it’s up to RNG whether you’ll get the correct level. I’m not aware of any console commands that would affect the drone other than deleting it.

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Hmm. I hadn't thought of using god mode.  I'll try that out.  Other than being upset about it, losing the hotbar items isn't too bad.  I have backups, though lower level.  And at my loot stage/game stage, I'm sure I'll get new ones at the previous level soon enough.  Was more interested in recovering the drone.


Thanks. 😁

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On 9/13/2022 at 2:37 PM, Star69 said:

You could try going into god mode and search below ground and go high in the sky. You can also use the creative menu to get your hotbar items back though it’s up to RNG whether you’ll get the correct level. I’m not aware of any console commands that would affect the drone other than deleting it.

Just wanted to say thanks for that. I managed to find the drone and get it back and then used creative mode to get my equipment back more or less.  I appreciate the help.

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