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Questions about Making Custom Objects


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(1) I'm working my way through @xyth's "Unity model creation and exporting for 7D2D SDX - Tutorial" series from 2017. My Unity 2020.3.14f1 is slightly different. He talks about adding Tags and leaves "Tag 0" blank/unused.



  • Can I make Tag 0 be "T_Block" or does "T_Block" have to be Tag 1?
  • Likewise, must "T_Mesh_B" be Tag 2?
  • Is there a list of all the Tags and their meanings, somewhere? I know @Telric mentioned T_Mesh_B as important in the Bicycle discussion as being related to player interraction and Xyth mentioned it was for the "E" to Pickup feature.


(2) The tutorial involves an "ExportAssetBundles.cs" which I downloaded and added as an asset. I found that code here:




When I did so, Unity detected an error "Assets\ExportAssetBundles.cs(12,18): error CS1501: No overload for method 'BuildAssetBundle' takes 4 arguments. It must be talking about this line of the code...


BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(Selection.activeObject, selection, path, 
	BuildAssetBundleOptions.CollectDependencies | BuildAssetBundleOptions.CompleteAssets);



  • Did I get the code from the correct place? (IIRC, the path mentioned in the tutorial did not exist.)
  • What did I do wrong?


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Been a while since I did that tutorial, but back then yes, you had to have the tags in that specific order. I'm not sure about in a20, but might as well keep it that way. I think in one of Xyth's later tutorials, he has a full unity project that you download which has all settings set up for you, tags included. I cannot think of the name for that one, maybe the NPC tutorial, but Xyth may be by here since you tagged him.

For the most part though, you'll just be using the T_mesh_b tag, specifically for blocks. Besides that one, I think the only other tag I've used would be some of the entity tags and maybe vehicle once or twice.

As for the latest exportbundles files, you can get that from guppy's modding discord in the unity section.

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11 minutes ago, Telric said:

I think in one of Xyth's later tutorials, he has a full unity project that you download which has all settings set up for you, tags included.


The forum had a link to a full unity project to use with various tutorials. After loading that up, I didn't recognize anything related to the videos I was watching. Poking around within it, I didn't find anything, but I am a fish out of water in Unity right now, so probably didn't recognize something obvious. There weren't any assets, so I didn't find the script there.


13 minutes ago, Telric said:

As for the latest exportbundles files, you can get that from guppy's modding discord in the unity section.


Ah! Aha! -- MultiPlatformExportAssetBundles.cs Thank you!

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14 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Can join Gup's discord if you need any help. Plenty of helpful folks there. :)


Thanks, I'm on it. I wasn't sure which of the many topics was the best place and yesterday was full of interruptions, so not good for chatting. Maybe today, if I can get some real-life stuff out of the way.


Which channel/topic do you think is the best place? Oh, probably the Unity section since that's where the script was. Duh.

Edited by zztong (see edit history)
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