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I know what the game needs.


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On 9/8/2022 at 5:50 PM, Rotor said:


Rgr, not there yet.  I do keep a 9mm and 300 rounds of such, just in case, with a shortly dboule barrel on the other side.


Well, guess I am starting to get there.  Last BM noticed some vanilla Zs that are now radiated.  Next day I looted a vanilla PoI that on my previous play throughs only had workers.  I ran into a radiated woman with the dirty white dress.  Had to break out the 9 since crawler was also  gnawing at my ankles, and didnt have time for arrows.  And the second PoI same day, a spider Z jumped out of a closet I didnt recognize as a closet.  A few nines into him as well, surprised the heck out of me.


Ya, dont think we are in Kansas anymore.

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Gotta admit, I've never really found brass to be a limiting factor (and I've never smelted dukes.)  Yeah, I may on some late game horde nights go through ~1000 rounds of 7.62, but that's mostly because I felt like it, not because I needed to (traps will kill everything if I let them.)


That said, I wouldn't be adverse to minable zinc and copper.


Oh, and on horde night, brass would be easy to recover.  Less so in the wild/POIs, but sweeping up the brass after horde night (at least in my bases) wouldn't be much different than sweeping it up at the range.

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16 hours ago, Rotor said:

I don't use traps.  Probably why.  I don't like the maintenance, I may have to when my game stage increases, but for now it's about the brass :).

Traps can definitely be a nuisance to maintain. Their biggest drawback aside from their maintenance cost is the XP cost. Yout have to spec into Advanced Engineering (I think) to get any XP for trap kills, and even then, maxing out that skill only nets you 50% XP. Blade traps are always tempting, but they require a lot of upkeep (need steel to repair), even during the horde night. Unless you're still early game, blade traps will break pretty quickly. Dart traps are fun and if set up correctly shouldn't require a lot of upkeep since the zeds don't come into direct contact with them (unless they get damaged from cop spit/explosions or demos). However, they require an enormous amount of materials for the ammo. They're pretty expensive to reload.


One of the best traps IMO are the electric fences. They hurt the zeds, but not enough to kill them too quickly. When zeds are caught in the trap, they make getting head shots for the kill much easier, meaning you get full XP for the kill. They don't wear out quite as fast, and repairing them only requires forged iron and electrical parts. I personally like my horde bases with about 10-15 sets of fences. I let the fences soften and slow the zeds up and then take them out with brass. Yeah, I go through a lot of ammo in late game, but as others have said, brass hasn't been a huge issue.

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My default horde base involves 12 pairs of electric fences (so 24 posts), 8 blade traps and 48 dart traps, so the zombies normally don't get past the first 3-4 sets of traps.  Honestly, I never felt they needed too much repairing (and I always set it up so that I can repair everything during the horde) even with late game hordes and endless horde night.


I also think I'm low on steel if I have less than 1000 stuck in a box, so...I may not be the best person to go by in terms of what's expensive in terms of resources.  I tend to mine a lot (I generally go through 3-4 iron veins by the time I stop playing a world.)


When it comes to xp...I'm generally around level 40 by day 7 (but only around 100 by day 35...leveling slows down tremendously the higher level you get) so I don't worry too much about the lost xp (though I try to pick off the zombies before they ever make it to my traps just because I find it fun.)

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