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A humble request: NPC's disable feature


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I really would love to see a box that i can check or uncheck, that will disable NPC's: traders, bandits, and whatever will came in future.
I really hate NPC's in post-apo games, especially if their existance have no sense... because what are they trading? Who are they trading with... are there more survivors than me? How much more? Maybe its not post-apo anymore? I just want to feel alone in hostile land, serrounded by enemies.

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Yeah that would be a nice option to have, though i can easily pretend a trader doesn´t exist or simply remove the traders from the prefab folder. Propably also easy to remove bandits in the xml files.


The trader might become kind of a must though. The new dew collector for getting a steady supply of water, does need a filter. And besides it beeing a rare loot drop, it can be bought at the trader or given as a quest reward. So if you don´t wanna rely on a rare loot drop for your water supply in the long run, you need to use a trader. We all know how bad it can be if you have to rely on a rare loot drop. Crucible can be a nightmare to get if you neglect the intellect tree.


It sucks. I really hope they do change that your best chance for a steady water supply is using the trader.

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In your world folder search prefabs.xml for trader and remove every line that contains it.  No traders in your world.  If you use an editor that understands XML there may also be a hot key to comment lines to make the process easier (like in Kate you can use CTRL-/).


I assume there will be an equally easy way to mod the game later for all NPCs.

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Yeah, but still.. Modding the game to make it more immersive feels just weird. Such option should be at map creator. If devs needs traders in their maps, so it be, but if i dont want any npc's in my games, i would love such option. I dont mind challange in terms of loot and crafting.
traders could be in form of rare encounters. Travelling caravans that wonder through world, loting old houses, and trading with survivors, but not for cash, its stupid in post-apo... and no quests... such caravan could be able to handle themselves enough without player help.
but still... i would prefer no NPC's at all.

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53 minutes ago, Archael said:

traders could be in form of rare encounters. Travelling caravans that wonder through world, loting old houses, and trading with survivors, but not for cash, its stupid in post-apo... and no quests... such caravan could be able to handle themselves enough without player help.

Cash. An efficient form of financial transaction. Barter: You don't have 23 hides and 3 radiators? No? Well that's what the Trader demands. Sorry about your luck. No rifle ammo for you then. Next time, if you are lucky enough to run into this Trader's caravan both the goods required for barter, what they have to offer and any items in your inventory will have probably changed.  Two engines and 5 oil. No? No lvl4 AK47 for you.

Cash is a good thing. It levels our ability to purchase, reduces the amount of questionable things we have to carry hoping they are in demand and gives us an expectation as to the value of things we might sell or wish to buy.


Quests on the other hand, well we can take them or leave them. They do present their benefits if completed, if we choose to accept them.


Or ignore the Traders altogether. Perhaps the RNG will bring you abilities and tools beyond your imagination. Or not. Probably not from my experience.



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11 hours ago, Archael said:

Yeah, but still.. Modding the game to make it more immersive feels just weird.


To this point let me say... get over it?  Or past it or through it... whatever it takes.  Modding this game is exactly what the devs want you to do if you want it changed in some way they don't intend to change.  It isn't cheating.  It isn't a bad thing.  You don't lose karma for it and you won't even get one of these cards for doing it:


Spin Again Sunday: Happy Days | Embarrassing Treasures

Anyone else here old enough to have played the Happy Days board game?

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