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Anyone else fall out of their Gyrocopter because their hand was so tired?


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Fortunately I had my Motorcycle in my inventory.    I have to go back like 6 miles because my fingers were just so tired from holding down shift + W, that I accidentally hit the E button and fell to my death.   

I think that's a sign that it's time to put the game down and wait till they hopefully add autorun someday, at least for vehicles.   

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I always bind run keys to my left alt. Thumb is already on the space bar. Just a short shift to hit the alt key. Feels much more comfortable than reaching for shift, to me. I tried making an auto run mod using game events to teleport the player forward, but sadly it was too janky to release...

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Autorun and spring toggle need to be a thing. Many games do it, and i don´t see any valid reason why to not add it in this game other than TFP saying "we don´t care if the 6km flight to one of the three T5´s on your map is annoying af". 


No, stamina ain´t a reason, no one is going to blame the dev for dying because of autorun or sprint toggle (yes, someone actually brought this up as an argument against autorun/sprint toggle).


Make it an option and not default and everyone can be happy, no matter if they need/like it or not.



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Many keyboards have software to make a auto run hot key, I believe there is also software that will do the same for any keyboard if your particular keyboard doesn't offer it. 


I wouldn't be apposed to a vanilla key being added, just as long as if it was to be added it doesn't replace the current sprint controls with no way to disable. Auto run is fine for long flights or runs but I personally hate it for regular gameplay. With auto run the only way to tell if its toggled is to sprint, so if you want to stop sprinting you have to press the key > check by sprinting that it's off > if not press again > check again to verify. VS just letting go of the sprint key. 


Also auto hot run could easily get you killed just as easily. For example you accidentally run into a feral horde and get killed fumbling with the toggle xd then there will be form posts asking for push to sprint haha

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31 minutes ago, Naz said:

Also auto hot run could easily get you killed just as easily. For example you accidentally run into a feral horde and get killed fumbling with the toggle xd then there will be form posts asking for push to sprint haha


Really? Read what i just wrote? Make it optional and not default. Or simply make it a seperate key so you can either use sprint normal or use Y for example to toggle sprint and U for autorun.

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I was replying to the op's topic so i didn't read yours sorry. However yes adding both options would be a nice to have for everyone. To be clear i'm not against it being added i just think it's more likely the op accidently ejected not because of no auto run, but because the exit key is right next to the thrust key which the addition of auto run would do nothing to fix. Might be better off seeing if binding the default use key from E to T or G or something like that which would reduce the chance of an accidental eject but not 100% sure if it would change the exit on vehicles tho.


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