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Spawning really breaks immersion


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I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but the spawning is really killing it for me. If I clear and take over structure, fortify it and secure a perimeter (ie build a wall that cannot be climbed over), it is incredibly annoying to have zombies spawning in the yard, on the wall, on the roof, inside the building, etc.. I have a 4th floor garden, and they just spawn up there and trash it. I have to deal both with zombies trying to break into and out of my base.. This really kills the immersion and realism. In previous builds, this was really only an issue when returning to an area from another part of the map, or when first joining after being out for a while, but now it's to the point where I can do a lap around my yard, clear it, do another and there are more spawned in again.
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[QUOTE=Vaelek;129926]I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but the spawning is really killing it for me. If I clear and take over structure, fortify it and secure a perimeter (ie build a wall that cannot be climbed over), it is incredibly annoying to have zombies spawning in the yard, on the wall, on the roof, inside the building, etc.. I have a 4th floor garden, and they just spawn up there and trash it. I have to deal both with zombies trying to break into and out of my base.. This really kills the immersion and realism. In previous builds, this was really only an issue when returning to an area from another part of the map, or when first joining after being out for a while, but now it's to the point where I can do a lap around my yard, clear it, do another and there are more spawned in again.[/QUOTE] I can pretend that they climbed over the fence or something...but i have problems pretending they have the ability to teleport (spawn in your FoV or in the room you just came out from in order to fight other zombies)
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Also the way Zeds currently spawn at POIs is an immersion killer, especially in MP. Approach POI and stop. Watch the first Zeds spawn and see more and more of them just pop up the closer you get. Fight the first ones to have one of them spawn right on top of your head, stunning you, infecting you, bleeding you. You turn around to kill it, the next one spawn right behind you. So currently, I run towards a poi, throw a pipebomb or fire a shot, run past them. Then I wait for all the spawned Zeds to come to me and just club them one by one.
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I can't count the times (playing SP) that I've had the game end after the first couple of dies (I quit and start a new one with the first death). I have my little box built to keep me safe at night while I gather and plan my building to get a nice fort going. It all ends when a horde of zombies descend on me and my little hovel. More then I can fight off and so I either die defending it or I die as soon as night falls because I don't have time to get away, gather materials and get a new box built before night falls. Anxiously awaiting 9.2 where the spawns will hopefully be fixed and improved.
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Close spawning dogs have killed me a couple of times now, because they always run regardless. The first I know about it is when a dog snarls whilst sinking its teeth into my leg. By the time I have recovered from the initial shock and put a weapon into my hand, the dog is already gorging on my entrails.
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yeah, i find the spawning to be really crappy atm, im sure they with deal with it at some point. its very immersion breaking to be chopping wood then kill a few zeds around you, then after another few chops of the tree you see 3 appear just a few meters away only to be repeated again and again and again... at the very least to hear one scream in the distance and a shuffle of feet as they hunt out the source of sound they hear would not be so bad
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Yeah, that's definitely true. Also the general horde lines are a pain too, because its like a vector is drawn across your general area, and if you build a building that's like 8 blocks off the ground they still walk into the base blocks and start attacking the bottom of your base for absolutely no reason. I could understand it if you were sensed or hunted, but undetected in a safe house, high out of detection range, making no noise, in the middle of a lake is just rediculous.
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