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Feral Wight Nowhere In Game?!


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I've played many games and have been days 100+ and still unable to see or find any feral wight's in the game. I've traveled the hub city and even my 7 day hordes don't spawn them. I do see cops and bee's, but they do not show up in my 7 day hordes either. Any idea on this? Hordes are definitely underwhelming. 

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On 7/27/2022 at 3:20 AM, Kidliquid01 said:

I've played many games and have been days 100+ and still unable to see or find any feral wight's in the game. I've traveled the hub city and even my 7 day hordes don't spawn them. I do see cops and bee's, but they do not show up in my 7 day hordes either. Any idea on this? Hordes are definitely underwhelming. 


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Console players got ignored due to TFP's legal troubles that could have been avoided in the whole console game property rights battle they had with Telltale before they went under. Telltale was their console publisher. It will be a long while before you can play the current version of the game. A very long while. Been almost a decade on PC and it's still not a finished game so, you could be waiting a while. Two, three years minimum unless they kick the game out of Early Access prematurely. They're not pushing anymore console updates until the PC version is finished as they have stated many times. So don't expect to see Wights anytime soon if ever. Remember, "It'll be done when it's done." as The Fun Pimps say.

Yes, hordes are underwhelming and easy to cheese if you want to completely avoid them. there is no real AI they just path how they're programmed to path. They don't learn anything. There is nothing good about their artificial intelligence at all. It doesn't learn anything, it doesn't adapt and it doesn't change other than in two or three small ways during a horde invasion. They don't remember and or learn anything each blood moon. In a nutshell, the AI isn't true AI and it's @%$#e.

Keep your eyes open for the new zombie shooters being created. They dwarf this game even after almost a decade of development on this game. They 've accomplished what these guys have in less time with less staff and their games look a billion times better.

Anyway, hope you get to see Wights one day. PC players are still waiting for the game to actually get finished. It's a long, long road ahead.

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