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More varied { TIER 5 } quests.


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I understand not all POI's can handle a T5 quest but why doesnt the Mega  Mansion or the snowy Mansion ever have T5 quests ?

The current number of T5 quests were getting is the 3 factories and the 3 skyscrapers and thats it.

Weve gotten to T5 with a few different traders hoping to get quests in their areas but we always get the same boring buildings while driving by so many unique cool large POI's on the way.


Is there away to get T5 quests in the other POI's ?

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2 hours ago, DiesFourth said:

Is there away to get T5 quests in the other POI's ?

Aside from modding? No. There's no way to do that in-game. Your best bet is to search for T5 POI mods. That being said, the level designers are actively working on new content for A21 and there will likely be new (as well as improvements/updates to existing) T5 POIs included.

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Indeed, it becomes a case of 'Oh, this one again'. My crew and I like to to create different ways of tackling the same POI's. Cheese them if you will. Mix things up a little. That's kinda fun in and of itself. Find alternate ways of attacking the dangers that we've come to expect in that particular place.


I agree, we would like to see more variety. And TFP know this, and it will likely show in variants of Alpha 21.  From a developer's standpoint that isn't easy to pull off. Much work goes into creating a POI and what triggers will send zeds to greet you. Now we expect them to make the inner workings of the POI to be random, or for the POI to learn how we confront them. Ah, be careful what we wish for, because it may just happen.


And I am good with that challenge.

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12 minutes ago, Laz Man said:

Apart from more POIs for you guys to plow through in A21, hopefully the new hazards and quests will add to your enjoyment.  😎


Let´s hope RWG isn´t as bad as it is now for T5 POI´s. Right now the allocation of T5´s is horrible. And no toggle sprint for 5km flights. I rather do 4 T4´s nearby than one T5 where have to go across half the map.

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