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I loaded my exploding crossbow bolt and said, "Go ahead make my day." BAM! Why is my hit points falling?


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Evidently, sometimes discretion is better than channeling Clint Eastwood. I was too close. Two more police captains were behind them. The first puke bomb missed me and I tippy-toed backward until I felt something. What could it be? It was broad and wide and tall. Tall? My back must be against a wall. 


Why is everything turning green?


Time to channel General Custer :(

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I feel for you.  I panic in one of the newer T4 POIs while I was in the basement when a ton of zombies were about to overwhelmed me, and fired my double barrel shotgun at them.  Fortunately (and unfortunately) I hit the drums nearby and the whole room exploded.  It took out all the zombies, but I barely survived with around 2 hp left.


I have also tossed a contact grenade a little too close to the target  🤔

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Had something very similar happening, when I thought it would be a good idea to keep looting a wasteland POI past 22:00, because what could possibly go wrong. right? 😉


Well, this decision resulted in a bonus horde night out in the streets in front of the POI, with me firing explosive bolts at a horde-sized glowing and screeching ball of zombies chasing me. While kiting them a cop managed to time his spit just right to hit the bolt the moment I fired it - took me down to single digits HP - fortunately I had my flying Lydia with me to patch me up imediately, otherwise probably this would have been the end of me.

Lesson learned: next time bring the rocket launcher 😜


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