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How do I compare the effective range of my .44 VS iron crossbow?


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The .44 has a barrel extender mod and a 2x scope

The crossbow has a 2x scope and a polymer string mod (I don't have a 4x scope and can only make 2x scopes)


The .44 has an effective range line in the description. The crossbow does not. I can only guess


The only thing that changes the effective range is the barrel extender adds 2

So, what is it for the crossbow?


FYI The silencer on my 9mm subtracts 4

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Pistol - Max range 50, falloff range 18

Iron Crossbow - Max range 100, falloff range 25


Both have a +/- 20% variation in falloff range.


Also the pistols get a 20% increase in max range and falloff range if you find the specific perk book for it.


So an iron crossbow will always beat a 9mm pistol for max range, but a 9 mm pistol can be similar in falloff range with the book if you find one that generated a higher falloff range during crafting / looting

1 hour ago, ElCabong said:

The only thing that changes the effective range is the barrel extender adds 2


For clarification:


Barrel extender adds 20% to both max range and falloff range (not a flat 2)

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  • ElCabong changed the title to How do I compare the effective range of my .44 VS iron crossbow?

When I used my .44 with a scope and barrel extender, the range was equivalent to my crossbow but I didn't try anything out of range of my crossbow. 


Drop off was interesting. I've done enough long range sniping to compensate for the drop off from the crossbow. There wasn't enough drop off for me to need to compensate at the ranges I was using. 


The .44 Magnum with the barrel extender is a better long-range weapon than the iron crossbow but it's not a stealth weapon. It makes a lot of noise. You don't want to hang around for the crowd to show up to the party.


I need to do this with the compound crossbow and do this at extreme range.

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So I saw 45 and assumed you were talking about pistol, didn't dawn on me that you were one number off on the caliber and meant 44 cal weapons


44 Magnum - Range 70, drop off 25

Desert Vulture - Range 50, drop off 25


Enforcer book series doesn't have any that increase the range.


Compound crossbow has the same range and drop off values as the iron crossbow does, you are just going to hit harder.

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BFT2020 is like the encyclopedia of stats and codes. Major props. 


I've always found that the guns "feel" less effective at range, even the rifles. I am unsure if this is sort of a balancing thing or a personal perception thing. I only mess with guns and range when I have the excess ammo to spare because followup shots are quick. The iron crossbow with iron or better, steel bolts was shown to be the meta for ranged in a video I'd seen some time back.  

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8 hours ago, Lenny Lettuce Lips said:

BFT2020 is like the encyclopedia of stats and codes. Major props. 


I have Notepad++ running on both my home computer and work computer with a lot of the files opened.  Not difficult to look things up.  😁

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