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Crawler Horde Base Design

Old Coot

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OK Folks, I have not seen anyone yet who has come up with this exact idea.  Do correct me if I am wrong.  This is a no trap, guns blasting, headshot horde base design.

This is my first video ever, which I decide to do at the young age of 68.  So, do take this into consideration.  



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  • 2 months later...

I have only seen around 3, or so videos on folks doing crawler style horde bases with most of them having traps.  My concept came from doing a horde base in Buddys Grain.  At least I believe that's what it called.  I have built these on the sides of buildings, in water, with pits etc.  Except for the glitches' letting zombies able to go thru solid blocks they work great.  I have tried one with blade traps and as you described it wrecks them!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I wanted to let you know that I tried your base.  Some added mods like a fall pit and rounded corners (which unfortunatly those conners cannot be plated),and  I didnt have time to line the pit with spikes.  And I only had cobblestones.  It survived a day 98 horde night.  However, even with zombie block damage at 25% a plated and non plated block fell at the main tower lower forward corner.  I think without concrete and 100% damage I might have been in peril.  I did have some wasted time due to a personal error which may have allowed the Zs more time to beat on the tower.  I have a few changes to make to try and keep the Zs from the main tower, or atleast less attention upon it.


The headshot corridor did work flawlessly, except for a worker did manage to make the jump heh.  He died quickly so no biggie.  


The dogs could not negotiate the corridor so they beat on the bigger of the wedges and lost one.  Again w/o concrete and 100% damage I think i would have lost both, and the ensuing bottleneck would have cost more damage to the tower.


Overall I like the design and just need to plate more hehe, and make some concrete :).  Need one mroe point to be able to craft the mixer, so almost there.


Perhaps you can test your design with full horde night day 100 or later and see if it fairs better than mine.


Thanks for the idea.



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20 hours ago, Rotor said:

I upgraded some key points with concrete and base fared much better.  The base will do until I can get a blade trap going.  Can't shoot fast enough to kill the horde before 4am.

Rotor sorry I didn't see your 2 posts until today!  First off, I'M IMPRESSED THAT YOU HAVE DONE THIS IN COBBLESTONE AND HAD SUCCESS DEFEATING A 98 NIGHT HORDE!

Great game play!!  And I'm happy you are enjoying the design concept.  I have one that I designed with a pit with no exit, massive damage.  So, I put in a stairway, it helps to slow zombies down some, and no massive damage.


I hope that the first upgraded key points were the bottom 3 rows of your defense tower and the narrow wedge blocks in the entrance way.  Also did you make the defense base floor height and bottom of runway at least 6 high?  5 or lower will produce more damage being done.  Dogs are a problem with bottlenecking as you stated.  Also, there have been problems with zombies after being shot standing up and walking down the runway.   I did put a video out on YouTube of a base in steel doing a 7777-day horde. It went ok, but I had plenty of damage to contend with.  Do consider the fact that my game stage is maxed out. 


So once again I'm happy you are enjoying the base concept and enjoying 7D2D.  It is my favorite game.

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No problem.  Yes the stand up glitch is a pain.  It allows the cops to puke heh.  If I notice through the corpses  I knee cap them before they puke heh.


  For my next horde night, currently will be day 119,   I am going to install fences around the approach tower and steps, to slow them down.  


I really like the fact that is simple enough without all the traps. I am a slow progresser and I still dont have all the gizmos or  knowledge for electric fences, and all the other traps.


Edit:  One more thing, instead of the railings at the kill window, I used a hatch.  a little more protection from puke and you dont loose aim visibility :).


Edited by Rotor (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Rotor said:

I really like the fact that is simple enough without all the traps. 




Thats the reason I decided to put this concept out there.  If you don't like traps or want to minimalize the amount you use, this base will work.  There are many ways the design concept can be used without building what I have shown in my video. 

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Adding the fences on the ramp and stairs was not a good idea.  They decided to beat up on the defense tower from the beginning.  I probablly to fence it hehe.  Anyways, I survived but they broke through one of the corners.  My bad for not using the squares as they cant be plated.  Eventhough I put a concrete pole on the corner, they ignored it as it is much smaller than the round block.


I guess in their calculation, the fences were too much to negotiate and it was best to just beat up on block.

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12 minutes ago, Rotor said:

I guess in their calculation, the fences were too much to negotiate

I believe you are correct on that one. Usually, they will beat on a block, stop and go back up the steps.  One way or another you will end up losing a few blocks because TFP has created a very evil zombie!

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That is why I reduce block damage.  If they are going to be that smart, I think their flesh and bones  shouldnt hurt that much :).


Edit:  In other words.  The desired approach needs to be unobstructed,  If fence around the defense tower and take all off the climb tower it should work like the first time.

Edited by Rotor (see edit history)
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Great, glad it is working again.  Have you been able to upgrade the runway yet?  I just remembered that I had a test where I deliberately made 2 demos blow up and lost a half block in the middle of the runway.  The zombies stopped pathing, despite the fact that the rest of the runway was intact.  


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Yes anything they have hit I have made concrete, including all the runway.  It would have to be an extreme bad luck for a demo to blow hehe.  Even if they glitch i am aiming for legs, same with cops.  Next I have to upgrade the defense tower upper levels to mitigate puke damage.

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