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I started having this problem in Alpha 20.4 and 20.5

CPU: Ryzen 9 5900x


GPU: Gigabyte 3080 TI with an 850 watt PSU

Win 10 

3440 x1440 any game settings medium, high custom, display mesh off or on. 


I have run SFC and DISM as well check disk. Tried uninstalling steam and the game and reinstalling it. 

Even ran DDU for a fresh install of graphics drivers. 

This is happening in single player and multiplayer

Yesterday on my friends server this happened 3 times in less than an hour. 

This is the only game this is happening on and I show no other signs or system stability issues. 

Crash happens with stock clocks or overclocks running. 

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The Desktop Window Manager process has exited. (Process exit code: 0xc0000005, Restart count: 1, Primary display device ID: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti)
Followed by

The program 7DaysToDie.exe version 2020.3.14.53691 stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. 
Which is just me force closing the app.

I just did a full uninstall of steam and the game and deleted all of the app folders so I dont have any crash logs yet.

Haven't been able to play today yet. 

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To quote a common causation of that process exit code, "Application Error 0xc0000005 (Access Violation) error is usually caused by your computer not being able to correctly process the files and settings required to run a particular program or installation. Despite the error showing when you try and use particular pieces of software, it has many different causes including faulty RAM problems, errors with the files of your PC and issues with the settings of your PC".


When you ran DISM did you run this? Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth


What I'm guessing is an antivirus/firewall getting in the way and/or perhaps you have some bad sections of memory in either your RAM or DRAM. This game will eat up and use ram more than most games out there, in fact I use 7 days to benchmark ram timing adjustments by loading it up and collapsing a skyscraper by knocking out a ton of blocks simultaneously lol (although for some reason CSGO does find issues too, I guess because of VAC).


Maybe try undervolting your GPU's VRAM along with its clock? Can also run tests such as furmark/cinebench (I like to run both at the same time).



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That is the dism command I ran.

I was able to play for a few hours yesterday with no issues after turning off EAC and forcing the game to use DirectX 10. 

When I Joined my friends server I crashed after 5 minutes. (Same event log crash)
When I rejoined I lowered my video settings to Medium instead of a High and then played for about two hours with no issues.


But playing in my own game I was running a mix of Ultra and High with no issues for about 5 hours across two different days.


I am not touching the paging file on my machine.

My RAM usage never gets above 60% while playing.

Ran memtest and that found no issues.

I am able to run Heaven looped for over an hour with no crashes.

I will have to do some CPU stress testing but the CPU is stock.

and the GPU overclock is from the OC Tuner in afterburner., 

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I will say that ram issues don't present themselves in memtest all the time. Look up "ryzen dram calculator", the main thing on there is a membench test and there's a stress test option. So far that's the only one I've found that works reliably. Back when I was hunting for the best ram timings for my system, I would occasionally get a bluescreen or straight reboot and I wasn't sure if it was the timings or what. Ran memtest overnight and nothing. Ran the stresser on that calc just to benchmark the timings and it found 2 errors. Adjusted the timings ran it again and nothing and no crashes since.


Just my personal experience.

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