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Hey everyone,

I stopped playing on my dedicated server with my 1 friend about 3 months ago. I wanted to log in and play again but everything is gone. My server config has reset and I don't know what to do... I tried opening my last output log to re-create my server config line by line, but that didn't work. Can anyone help me so I can play on my dedicated server again? I unfortunately never saved a backup on my server config. We started on A20.0 and updated up to A20.3 as the updates came. Everything worked fine, until now. And yeah, I have the game running in 20.3.

Thanks, hope I can get this working again!

EDIT: we figured it out. Scroll down for answers :D


Also, for anyone wondering where to find your output logs, server config/start dedicated, and saves:

Server config/startdedicated:
(C:) > Program Files (x86) > Steam > steamapps > common > 7 Days to Die Dedicated Server
-in here you will find serverconfig.xml and startdedicated.bat
-if you installed 7 Days on a different hard drive, it won't be on your (C:), obviously lol.

Output logs:
(C:) > Program Files (x86) > Steam > steamapps > common > 7 Days to Die Dedicated Server > 7DaysToDieServer_Data
-make sure to check the date, there will be a few output logs
-if you installed 7 Days on a different hard drive, it won't be on your (C:), obviously lol.

%appdata% > Roaming > 7DaysToDie > Saves

-press Windows key and type %appdata% and it will open the folder, it should already be in the Roaming folder.


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Is there a reason why all 3 of your posts are the same thing, in different threads?

If the world save is still there you should be able to change the serverconfig to point to it. A world from 20.3 should work with 20.5 I would think.


And also, every update, be it a new alpha or just a point release, resets the config file. So either keep a copy handy or load it from outside the main folder so it doesn't get erased.

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I don't see a seed value when I look at the old output logs. There is nothing. Also nothing for GameWorld. What now??

<property name="GameWorld"                        value=""/>    
<property name="WorldGenSeed"                   value=""/>

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47 minutes ago, LostFart said:

I don't see a seed value when I look at the old output logs. There is nothing. Also nothing for GameWorld. What now??

You can find the seed and other world data in the "Map_info.xml" file from your generated world.

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THANK YOU! I still cant load my world. Unable to connect to host or something like that. I have everything correct I think.

<property name="GameWorld"                       value="RWG"/>
<property name="WorldGenSeed"                   value="asdf"/>    
<property name="WorldGenSize"                    value="6144"/>    
<property name="GameName"                       value="boat wheel"/>

Any ideas?

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<?xml version="1.0"?>

    <!-- Server representation -->
    <property name="ServerName"                                     value="boat wheel"/>
    <property name="ServerDescription"                            value="A 7 Days to Die server"/>     browser. -->
    <property name="ServerWebsiteURL"                           value=""/>                    
    <property name="ServerPassword"                               value=""/>                   
    <property name="ServerLoginConfirmationText"          value="" />           
    <property name="Region"                                             value="NorthAmericaEast" />   
    <property name="Language"                                        value="English" />           

    <!-- Networking -->
    <property name="ServerPort"                                            value="25000"/>                
    <property name="ServerVisibility"                                     value="2"/>                    
    <property name="ServerDisabledNetworkProtocols"        value=""/>    
    <property name="ServerMaxWorldTransferSpeedKiBs"    value="1024"/>       

    <!-- Slots -->
    <property name="ServerMaxPlayerCount"                  value="8"/>                    
    <property name="ServerReservedSlots"                      value="0"/>             
    <property name="ServerReservedSlotsPermission"     value="100"/>            
    <property name="ServerAdminSlots"                          value="0"/>                   
    <property name="ServerAdminSlotsPermission"         value="0"/>    

    <!-- Admin interfaces -->
    <property name="ControlPanelEnabled"                    value="false"/>                
    <property name="ControlPanelPort"                          value="8080"/>                
    <property name="ControlPanelPassword"                 value="CHANGEME"/>     

    <property name="TelnetEnabled"                              value="true"/>              
    <property name="TelnetPort"                                    value="8081"/>            
    <property name="TelnetPassword"                            value=""/>                  
    <property name="TelnetFailedLoginLimit"                 value="10"/>               
    <property name="TelnetFailedLoginsBlocktime"        value="10"/>       

    <property name="TerminalWindowEnabled"            value="true"/>             

    <!-- Folder and file locations --> 
    <property name="AdminFileName"                          value="serveradmin.xml"/>   
    <property name="UserDataFolder"                          value="absolute path" /> -->    
    <property name="SaveGameFolder"                        value="absolute path" /> -->  

    <!-- Other technical settings -->
    <property name="EACEnabled"                                           value="false"/>                
    <property name="HideCommandExecutionLog"                value="0"/>                   
    <property name="MaxUncoveredMapChunksPerPlayer"    value="131072"/>           
    <property name="PersistentPlayerProfiles"                         value="false" />       

    <!-- GAMEPLAY -->
    <!-- World -->
    <property name="GameWorld"                             value="RWG"/>           
    <property name="WorldGenSeed"                        value="asdf"/>             
    <property name="WorldGenSize"                          value="6144"/>                
    <property name="GameName"                             value="boat wheel"/>           
    <property name="GameMode"                             value="GameModeSurvival"/>  

    <!-- Difficulty -->
    <property name="GameDifficulty"                        value="2"/>                    
    <property name="BlockDamagePlayer"                value="300" />               
    <property name="BlockDamageAI"                      value="100" />             
    <property name="BlockDamageAIBM"                 value="100" />              
    <property name="XPMultiplier"                            value="300" />              
    <property name="PlayerSafeZoneLevel"              value="5" />              
    <property name="PlayerSafeZoneHours"             value="5" />    

    <!--  -->      
    <property name="BuildCreate"                            value="false" />          
    <property name="DayNightLength"                    value="60" />              
    <property name="DayLightLength"                     value="18" />              
    <property name="DropOnDeath"                        value="1" />               
    <property name="DropOnQuit"                          value="0" />               
    <property name="BedrollDeadZoneSize"            value="15" />           
    <property name="BedrollExpiryTime"                  value="45" />         

    <!-- Performance related -->
    <property name="MaxSpawnedZombies"                    value="64" />               
    <property name="MaxSpawnedAnimals"                     value="50" />                
    <property name="ServerMaxAllowedViewDistance"    value="12" />   

    <!-- Zombie settings -->
    <property name="EnemySpawnMode"                value="true" />               
    <property name="EnemyDifficulty"                      value="0" />             
    <property name="ZombieFeralSense"                  value="0" />            
    <property name="ZombieMove"                          value="0" />              
    <property name="ZombieMoveNight"                 value="3" />          
    <property name="ZombieFeralMove"                  value="3" />            
    <property name="ZombieBMMove"                    value="3" />            
    <property name="BloodMoonFrequency"           value="7" />             
    <property name="BloodMoonRange"                  value="0" />               
    <property name="BloodMoonWarning"              value="8" />                
    <property name="BloodMoonEnemyCount"       value="8" />         


    <!-- Loot -->
    <property name="LootAbundance"                    value="200" />              
    <property name="LootRespawnDays"                 value="7" />             
    <property name="AirDropFrequency"                 value="72"/>                
    <property name="AirDropMarker"                      value="true"/>           

    <!-- Multiplayer -->
    <property name="PartySharedKillRange"            value="500"/>              
    <property name="PlayerKillingMode"                 value="3" />               

    <!-- Land claim options -->
    <property name="LandClaimCount"                                    value="1"/>                   
    <property name="LandClaimSize"                                       value="41"/>               
    <property name="LandClaimDeadZone"                             value="30"/>              
    <property name="LandClaimExpiryTime"                            value="3"/>                 
    <property name="LandClaimDecayMode"                          value="0"/>                   
    <property name="LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier"     value="32"/>              
    <property name="LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier"     value="32"/>            
    <property name="LandClaimOfflineDelay"                         value="0"/>               

    <property name="DynamicMeshEnabled"                       value="true"/>              
    <property name="DynamicMeshLandClaimOnly"           value="true"/>               
    <property name="DynamicMeshLandClaimBuffer"         value="3"/>                   
    <property name="DynamicMeshMaxItemCache"           value="3"/>   

    <property name="TwitchServerPermission"              value="90"/>            
    <property name="TwitchBloodMoonAllowed"         value="false"/>                

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I JUST noticed these two lines. Do I have to point to a certain folder? How does that work?

    <property name="UserDataFolder"                          value="absolute path" /> -->    
    <property name="SaveGameFolder"                        value="absolute path" /> -->  

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Thanks for your feedback!

I went to my last good output log and copy+paste the UserDataFolder and SaveGameFolder lines.

What's wrong with the ServerDescription line? That's exactly how it was in my last good output log.

How do I have a closing tag? I can't find it in my last good output log.

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Hey! I got it, thank you! It's running on 20.5, but we left off at 20.3. how does the server auto-update to 20.5 from 20.3? I'm definitely gonna save a backup of my server config.

the [browser. -->] was just a copy+paste error in my last comment. I think what fixed it was adding the correct file path to UserDataFolder and SaveGameFolder. It was set to "absolute path". I just copy+paste what was in my last good output log.

    <!-- <property name="UserDataFolder"                  value="C:\Users\coleb\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie"
    <!-- <property name="SaveGameFolder"                value="C:\Users\coleb\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie/Saves"

Thanks for the help everyone, much appreciated!


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2 hours ago, LostFart said:

how does the server auto-update to 20.5 from 20.3?

The server doesn't have an auto update function. You can manually update it using:

steamcmd +force_install_dir "your\install\path\here" +login anonymous +app_update 294420 -validate +quit

Or, altenatively, if you have the Steam gui installed you can use that to update the server.

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