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Crafting and Base Limitations

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The Jail Door is no longer Craftable and This really screws up my entire base, Why where drones added and Power Turrets, which are only really useful in Mid and late game, while the Jail Door was a Very Valid way of making Sure that Zombies didn't level the front of your Base??. Please Just let me play the game the way I want, I Paid for it, Stop Removing Content.

Edited by xxultimategopnikxx (see edit history)
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What? Stop removing content? Are you mad? That's what The Fun Pimps do! ROFL

In all seriousness though, I agree. Removing the jail doors was a stupid decision, but hey, The Fun Pimps are full of those and it's shown over the past many years. They've pulled this stupid stunt with lots of things in the past such as the cooking pot. The founders are antiquated with their understandings of video game design and can't make up their minds about what they want 7 Days To Die to be. Thus all the constant remove this and add that kind of BS over the past many years. Welcome to the Heinz57 of Early Access video game development. But hey, here's this futuristic drone for you to use with a Skyrim-like healing animation, that can magically heal you when you put meds into it. Like seriously, WTAF were they thinking?

You can ask them to stop removing content, but they're not going to listen regardless what we ask. It shows over the course of history during this game's development on this forum, the Steam community message board and their kickstarter history. Instead, they're more interested in removing or changing content to stop people from playing the game the ways they don't want people to play. Also, they can't make up their minds ever on anything thus the constant core mechanic swaps every year or two.

Imagine playing in a sandbox as a kid. You're given all the fun things to play with in that sandbox like toy cars, a sand pail and a shovel. Now imagine that that the sandbox and  everything in the sandbox is halved. Imagine building a sand castle with half a sand pail, half a shovel (only the handle end) and half a toy car to pretend to NASCAR race on a smaller track because half the sandbox was removed.

Remember when The Fun Pimps downsized the map because the game performs so poorly? Remember when they removed the jail doors? Remember when they removed the pot? Remember when they removed cans and soon to remove jars?

Wait, isn't that like removing part of the sandbox and the toys in it? Sad times. Sad times indeed for 7 Days To Die. 

The Fun Pimps giveth and the anti-Fun Pimps taketh away! History repeats itself - again.

Edited by youcantgetridofme (see edit history)
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While I do miss the dual jail door airlock front door, they aren't really very necessary any more either.

There are so many different other options that do the same thing.  Some of them even cost less in materials.


My best advice:  Just like life; improvise and adapt.

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