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Windows - Single Player - Save File Error - EndOfStreamException


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As the title states, I am having trouble loading a save file. This occurred while playing single player vanilla 7DTD on Windows.


As instructed, I have attempted the "Possible Fix for Restoring a Corrupted Save" to no avail. I also validated Steam files, which resulted in 3 files requiring maintenance. I did not find my error in the Google Sheets bug report. I am hoping against hope that the forum community can offer a solution. Thank you for considering this post.


Here is the pastebin link to my log file: https://pastebin.com/nEgfFP8w


When the error occurred: I was exploring a wasteland biome when my game suddenly was interrupted by the debug window, ending with a red font EndOfStreamException line. Not wanting to further corrupt my file, I tried to Exit the game. I was unable to use the Exit button, so I Alt-f4'd to close the game. I tried relaunching and reloading, but I was not able to successfully load, again interrupted by the same EndofStreamException in the debug code.


Thank you again for your time.


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The error happens immediately when the server tries to access the region directory. So first make a complete backup of your savegame, then delete files in the Region subdirectory of your savegame, either one by one sorted by newest access date or multiple files until the game can be loaded again. There is a good chance this will reset your base though. If you know which file or files is the culprit you could try to restore other region files from backup (even all if none of them seem corrupted)


If this doesn't help you could check if main.ttw got corrupted. Check the access times of the file main.ttw.bak. If the file is old enough to be unaffected then overwriting man.ttw with that backup may help.


If not: Someone recently told me a new trick: Move your savegame to somewhere else. Create a new game with EXA CTLY the same parameters (Worldname, size, etc.). Move that to somewhere else, move back your old savegame, but replace the main.ttw with the one of the new savegame.  


Obviously many of those fixes will remove part of your progress from the game. If you have to delete too much it may be better to restart completely.

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Thank you for the timely reply. I've encountered similar gamebreaking errors in the past. Are there suggestions on how to avoid these types of errors in the first place? I haven't managed to make it beyond gamestage 150 due to this.


In the meantime I will try manipulating \region\, etc.



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Savegame corruption most often happens when the game is having performance problems. You seem to be playing on a laptop. Laptops often have problems removing the heat when CPU and GPU are under heavy load.


So I would suggest checking whether your game really always stays above 20 fps and if not turn down some setttings and especially turn of dynamic meshes for the time being.




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18 hours ago, meganoth said:

but replace the main.ttw with the one of the new savegame.

@goatmortyI think the restore tactic is to backup your save somewhere and delete it from the original folder.

Create a new game with the same name/seed/size.

Replace the main.ttw file from your new game with the old main.ttw file.

Your new game should have all your old stuff and base, but will be at day 1.

To reset the time use the settime command to get back to the day you were.


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5 hours ago, Beelzybub said:

@goatmortyI think the restore tactic is to backup your save somewhere and delete it from the original folder.

Create a new game with the same name/seed/size.

Replace the main.ttw file from your new game with the old main.ttw file.

Your new game should have all your old stuff and base, but will be at day 1.

To reset the time use the settime command to get back to the day you were.



Don't think so. To have your old base back you need to play your old save (with the old region files), just with new main.ttw.


It largely depends on which file is actually damaged. The method I listed is to replace a damaged main.ttw, Beelzybub, your method is for the case something else is damaged, but I don't see how you get your old base back that way, you need the old region files for that


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