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 'A Better Life' mod that adds fish to larger water bodies..


Been playing, plus started a new game. RWG.. but so far in every 'large body of water' I found no fish. Now in RWG there are varying degrees of 'large bodies of water'. How big does it have to be for fish to appear... ?






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Usually takes a minute for it to update when you're at a body of water. They seem to only spawn after your near, not persistent or static.
You can tell if it's working by the types of debris and stuff in the ponds, rivers, lakes, etc, like tires, cinderblocks etc. I forget which act like spawners, but its usually how I notice.
Then I just wait around. Only noticed fish this run, but used to be turtles and stuff too. May be also in this one as well, just haven't see it spawn yet.

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Might be a stupid question, but if i use one npc mod package as a host and change the spawn percentages, does my friend (peer to peer game) needs the same percentages in his npc files as well or wouldnt it matter as long as he got the mod files in his folder?

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20 hours ago, Jay_ombie said:

 'A Better Life' mod that adds fish to larger water bodies..


Been playing, plus started a new game. RWG.. but so far in every 'large body of water' I found no fish. Now in RWG there are varying degrees of 'large bodies of water'. How big does it have to be for fish to appear... ?






Basically anything bigger than the rivers in nazgaine, though in the wider spots the will still spawn.  We now use the vanilla spawner, rather than a custom spawner, so you should see lots of fish, turtles etc when near a decent sized body of water.


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So sorry if this has already been answered - I tried reading through but couldn't see anything related.


Is there a way for me to customize the HP of NPCs? I'm a bit of a baby and don't want my buddies dying but a cop exploding (even on the lowest difficulty) will 1HKO them. I tried adding the line below to an entityclasses.xml file but to no avail. To be quite honest, I have no clue what I'm doing and have already tried figuring it out on my own so would greatly appreciate the help. :)


<property name="Health" value="999999"/>

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In the Add On Packs, there is typically a value in the entityclasses.xml such as:

<passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="200"/>

for each entity. That can be increased or descreased. However, it will also change based on the difficulty level we chose.

That same value can also be seen in 0-XNPCCore for template entities, if it's a required change for NPCs like the bandits.

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So I used to be able to play this mod and addons and everything in the past but then my pc was having issues so I reset it and stopped using it for a while now I’m back and the mods are working it jsut won’t let me add any friendly npcs or any addons to the game sadly and I can only spawn vehicles traders and zombies there was no issues in the log so I’m wondering maybe is it the game version but I have downgraded and still have the issue so what version is it mean to be played and please let me know if anyone has any answers thank you👍

So I used to be able to play this mod and addons and everything in the past but then my pc was having issues so I reset it and stopped using it for a while now I’m back and the mods are working it jsut won’t let me add any friendly npcs or any addons to the game sadly and I can only spawn vehicles traders and zombies there was no issues in the log so I’m wondering maybe is it the game version but I have downgraded and still have the issue so what version is it mean to be played and please let me know if anyone has any answers thank you👍

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On 8/29/2024 at 6:30 PM, xyth said:

Basically anything bigger than the rivers in nazgaine, though in the wider spots the will still spawn.  We now use the vanilla spawner, rather than a custom spawner, so you should see lots of fish, turtles etc when near a decent sized body of water.







I think its not working my end.. I rechecked the file structure and its fine.


Above is an example of the lake I came by in RWG map I am on at the moment. As you can see this is a large body of water so should have fitted the criteria surely. But nothing can be seen my end and I even waited around just in case.


So I wonder if I am using a mod that isn't not compatible with it maybe, or a setting is not right.

I use your other mods as you know and the Spiders/Birds and NPC's seem fine in game.

Edited by Jay_ombie (see edit history)
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On 9/9/2024 at 4:04 PM, Jay_ombie said:






I think its not working my end.. I rechecked the file structure and its fine.


Above is an example of the lake I came by in RWG map I am on at the moment. As you can see this is a large body of water so should have fitted the criteria surely. But nothing can be seen my end and I even waited around just in case.


So I wonder if I am using a mod that isn't not compatible with it maybe, or a setting is not right.

I use your other mods as you know and the Spiders/Birds and NPC's seem fine in game.

What mods are you using and what is their load order?

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Hi, can anyone point me to the point where i could use a different model with the Freindly Fox addon?

I can spawn a different model in changing the model in quest.xml but the talking to the pet does not work.

I was using the PetCaneCorsoAOO model from the pets and dogs addon.

What do i have to add to get the quest working with another model? Where do i have to change things to get the quest going?


I bet it is just a small step i couldnt find the last 2 days where i was trying to make a Cane Corso friendly pet for my daughter who is playing with me.

The Arctic fox works as a charm.


Thnx in advance

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9 hours ago, Jay_ombie said:






Nice, you have a lot of the ones I normally use and doesn't look like a whole lot so it should be easy to take some out in small groups and load a quick new 2K by 2K map to test (more lakes/rivers).

I'd start by taking out groups like izy weapons, then vehicles and work with what's left.

For the most part, it looks good except I have OCB's Textures loaded way higher (as it's needed by a lot of stuff) and usually have it right up there with and after the "CORE" files.  PyroPaints requires it and looks fine where you have it for what you have.  Mine is a bit higher but I have mine grouped a bit differently and texture modifers are slightly higher for me, but you don't have that many mods. Also, I have MPLogue's prefabs listed a lot higher, after core and other required files because I have some mods that require it. As for Spherell's A Better Life (the aquatic life stuff), I have it loaded way lower in the order just above world environment & lighting mods. You can try placing it above your world lighting and see.

Now I don't know what, if any, prefabs you may have loaded in your prefabs folder (like the prefabs folder in your Steam>7 Days to Die>Data>Prefabs folder), but double check you have any required files to go along with them. Same with the rest of the ones in your mods folder. I haven't actually tried that particular Ramos UI segment, but I wouldn't think it would be an issue unless its doing something in a .dll that you can't see without decompiling it.

So after moving stuff around, try it, then if still not working, take some of the non-core (top loading mods) out and keep trying with new 2k maps each time just to be sure and with water assets (lakes/rivers) to high and keep testing the water until you see it. Give it a minute or two and then try another batch until it works.  You can also do a bare-minimum test also where you only have ftp's harmony folder, score and spherell's better life mod (trying to think if any other reqs, think just score), and then do a map TO MAKE SURE its working, because nothing should be interfering with that if its minimum.

If that doesn't work, make sure it's unpacked correct, go in game properties on steam and verifity integrity... TWICE, the second time fixes the steam assets library, so you should see it download after the second verify integrity (youll have to click on another tab on game properties and then back to where installed files are again to do another "verify integrity").  And this is just a "making sure" everything is correct step and no errors, glitches, or corrupted files are messing things up for you.  Then go back and once again make sure everything is unpacked correctly in the mods folder (no nested folders that shouldn't be nested).  See if that helps you.


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5 hours ago, Jay_ombie said:

Continuing to test and thanks again LordSoth01.



Right, came across an NPC and the wild bores seem to ignore them in my game, just stand there whilst the NPC hacks at them.



Yeah that's part of the faction system. You can go to the NPC Core mod and find npc.xml and open it up and see all the various factions and relationships between various groups of entities. If that npc falls under the "trader" faction, then they will be "neutral" to it like so.


<faction name="aggressiveanimalsmedium"> <relationship name="*" value="hate"/> <relationship name="passiveanimalssmall" value="neutral"/> <relationship name="passiveanimalslarge" value="neutral"/> <relationship name="aggressiveanimalssmall" value="neutral"/> <relationship name="aggressiveanimalslarge" value="neutral"/> <relationship name="trader" value="neutral"/> </faction> <faction name="aggressiveanimalslarge"> <relationship name="*" value="hate"/> <relationship name="passiveanimalssmall" value="neutral"/> <relationship name="passiveanimalsmedium" value="neutral"/> <relationship name="aggressiveanimalssmall" value="neutral"/> <relationship name="aggressiveanimalsmedium" value="neutral"/> <relationship name="trader" value="neutral"/> </faction>

They are in different entity groups too. I believe the base entity is whiteriver faction and you can create groups so that as long as its not the first entity in the group, itll take on the faction/relationship type of the first mob in list, so you can have bandit versions, IIRC.

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Hello @ll

While NPC Menu. What is exactly the different between?

GenericNPC_StayHere: Stay where you are standing"

GenericNPC_GuardHere: Stay where I am standing"


GenericNPC_GuardReturnHere: Guard and return to where I am standing"

I understand this to that the NPC Guard the Postion  (where i stand ) and came after for time to me back?



Oh.. and it is possible to prevent Hired NPCs or wandering NPCs from walking into the wooden spikes that have set up in front of the base, for example?

Greetings and big thanks for the mod. :)


Edited by Marty2Live
Add Wooden Spikes Question (see edit history)
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Hi there! Just a quick question I have. It started half a month ago, and I don't know if the new updates (still running 20.7),  affect it (which I doubt) or something else happened.


The "Supply Crates" that used to drop no longer happens. I tried looking on the Internet, but I'm not finding much luck. Is there a way to fix/repair it with the coding? Arrumus or Xyth or anyone with code knowledge? I would really love it to happen again. Waiting on anyone's reply.


(P.s. Whoever does respond, please respond with easy steps if you have any. I don't understand confusing if you know what I mean) 😆

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I don't recall this being an issue specifically related to the NPC Mod for A20.7. Supply Crates around that time did cause issues on dedicated servers with none appearing at all, or sometimes 3 appearing at once repeatedly. SP was generally a lot more stable though. The NPC Mod does not govern anything related to Air Supply Drops, and I don't believe that has ever been a thing.

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Here's a small Add On Pack for the NPC Mod:





For anyone who has seen 'Day of the Dead', and in particular Zombie Bub, this Add On Pack follows the same context.

It has received an update since A21, with different entities carrying the regular weapons due to V1.0 entity limitation, but it has the same spread of range types.


This is a small modlet that allows player to hire from 8 NPC Helper zombies. These helpers appear in the biomes using the new spawning feature for V1.0.
They can also be found in the trader inventory as a Quest Note. When activated, the Quest will spawn one of the 8 entities close to the player and drop 100 raw meat into the player inventory. 100 Raw Meat hires each entity.


The helpers are Desert Eagle Tom, M60 Dave, AK47 Momma, T.A. Rifle Business Man, SMG Marlene, Magnum Biker, Sniper Burnt, and Auto Moe.



Find the Quest Note in the reading or all section of the Trader Inventory.



Go to an open area and accept the Quest.



Approach the helper and hire them with 100 Raw Meat (received when accepting the Quest).




Edited by arramus (see edit history)
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20 minutes ago, arramus said:

I don't recall this being an issue specifically related to the NPC Mod for A20.7. Supply Crates around that time did cause issues on dedicated servers with none appearing at all, or sometimes 3 appearing at once repeatedly. SP was generally a lot more stable though. The NPC Mod does not govern anything related to Air Supply Drops, and I don't believe that has ever been a thing.

Ok, thanks! I understand this post wasn't the right post. I just thought if anyone who knows code on this forum, it would help. The weird thing is that it did work with every 3 days, then it didn't, so I changed it to 1 day to try and fix it, and it doesn't still. Idk what to do.

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