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NPCMod and Addons


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Hello friends, i've donwload and really enjoyed the mod though i didnt liked the Baker, Harley and nurses npcs and want just to have the npcs from the raiders and military pack, how can i disable the native npcs from NPCocre mod? (I was reading the code but didnt quite understand the coding of the mod if someone can help me i would apreciete a lot :D)

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Hello all, I have a silly question, what reason can cause 0-Score not loaded, I mean i just got a fresh Win10 system, fresh game installed and just got these two core files install into my Mods, however it just won't load and keep coming up with red errors.


2022-02-24T00:13:40 48.041 INF StartAsServer
2022-02-24T00:13:41 48.897 INF Set Microsplat diffuse: MicroSplatConfig_diff_tarray (UnityEngine.Texture2DArray)
2022-02-24T00:13:41 48.897 INF Set Microsplat normals: MicroSplatConfig_normal_tarray (UnityEngine.Texture2DArray)
2022-02-24T00:13:41 48.897 INF Set Microsplat smooth:  MicroSplatConfig_smoothAO_tarray (UnityEngine.Texture2DArray)
2022-02-24T00:13:41 48.925 INF Loaded (local): materials
2022-02-24T00:13:41 49.044 INF Loaded (local): physicsbodies
2022-02-24T00:13:41 49.128 INF Loaded (local): painting
2022-02-24T00:13:42 49.388 INF Loaded (local): shapes
2022-02-24T00:13:57 64.978 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'blocks.xml' failed
2022-02-24T00:13:57 64.985 EXC Class 'PathFinding, SCore' not found on block PathingCube!
  at BlocksFromXml.ParseBlock (System.Boolean _bEditMode, System.Xml.XmlElement elementBlock) [0x001c4] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0 
  at BlocksFromXml+<CreateBlocks>d__0.MoveNext () [0x000fc] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0 
  at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__48.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0 
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

2022-02-24T00:13:58 65.193 INF Loaded (local): progression
2022-02-24T00:13:58 65.549 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionNotifyTeamAttack, SCore
2022-02-24T00:13:58 65.550 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionGuardThere, SCore
2022-02-24T00:13:58 65.552 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionGuardHere, SCore
2022-02-24T00:13:58 65.553 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionClearStaleHires, SCore
2022-02-24T00:13:58 65.554 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionHideNPCSDX, SCore
2022-02-24T00:13:58 65.556 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionRandomLootSDX, SCore
2022-02-24T00:13:58 65.557 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionHideNPCSDX, SCore
2022-02-24T00:13:58 65.559 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionHideNPCSDX, SCore
2022-02-24T00:13:58 65.561 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionRandomLootSDX, SCore
2022-02-24T00:13:58 65.562 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionHideNPCSDX, SCore


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On 2/21/2022 at 10:02 AM, xyth said:

Caves, when enabled in the blocks.xml of the SCore mod, will generate when the game starts, not during world generation.  Totally separate generations. 

ok I have it set to true. started a new game and enabled admin in the console. couldn't find the pois in list in game either. also tried no clipping into some mountains and didn't see anything as well. 

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56 minutes ago, Jikdur said:

ok I have it set to true. started a new game and enabled admin in the console. couldn't find the pois in list in game either. also tried no clipping into some mountains and didn't see anything as well. 


Not sure what your doing wrong, but caves are not part of this mod, so perhaps ask SphereII in his mod thread.

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4 hours ago, xyth said:


Not sure what your doing wrong, but caves are not part of this mod, so perhaps ask SphereII in his mod thread.

Only setting I changed was putting it to true but it Must have been one of the mods I had conflicting with it because I tried by itself without any other mods and it worked. But thanks though for the insight. :D

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2 hours ago, frostedawg said:

Is npc looting a thing yet or no... I'm enjoying the mod but npcs helping loot pois would be awesome!


Is about 85% working, its on our list to finish next.  Current focus is on making sleeper spawning, and NPC POI configuration working better.  

Pushed updates to DarkStars expansion packs.  Improved spawning, and some fixes.

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3 minutes ago, wudidelihaiw said:



I will be pushing a new experimental version later today that will include a change where the NPCs will follow more closely inside, but keep the current distance outside.  If you want to test, that would be really helpful


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A new POI has been added to the Prefab pack, and one has been updated to include a new feature which allows the hostile Bandits to remain stationary as if guarding their personal area.


Download here: https://github.com/arramus/A20-NPCMod-Prefabs


A Tier 5 Fetch Quest POI for the NPCMod Bandits.

Maunsell Forts by MPLogue @MichaelL. has been converted from a default POI to an NPCMod version. It consists of 7 defensive structures loaded with hostile bandits.







Roof tops.



And an abundance of internal rooms to coordinate.


A most worthy POI for the NPCMod.




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Hello NPCmod team, and thank you all for your amazing work, very well done!


Is it possible to make the NPC:s do shots to the zombies' bodies instead of headshots all the time (in my limited observations over an hour)? At the moment they seem to be incredibly good at killing zombies, practically leaving the zombies no chance to fight back... I can make changes myself for my personal use, just need an idea of what to change.


Brilliant work guys, you should be very proud!

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