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Improved Hordes [A21.2]


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On 6/6/2024 at 2:57 PM, Agame said:

Is there a way to remove animal hordes from the mod? I really dislike the animals in this game and would prefer to just have zombies.

Should be able to just comment out/delete the lines relating to animal horde groups in the hordes.xml file.


On 6/13/2024 at 10:35 AM, Dagger Digwillow said:

So I'm not seeing that much of a difference right off the bat but reading through the comments it seems this might be expects?

I also don't see the add ons that were mentioned when this mod first launched *(see below) I've set my dedicated server to 400+ zombies and the zombies were horde in this mods settings to 64 but I hardly encounter any zombies in the world. Is this normal? It is day 65 on my server when I installed this and I just kind of expected to see a large increase but thus far nothing really seems to have changed.

These will be coming soon. Stay tuned for updates.


> Airdrop Hordes Add-on


> Bigger Hordes Add-on

> Massive Hordes Add-on


> Random Hordes Add-on

Changes are more noticeable in higher difficulty biomes compared to the pine forest, due to the mod following natural game progression via biome/gamestage, if you were to go into a wasteland city, you'd see quite a difference. Good point on the add-ons, I've had life get in the way for a couple of months so I didn't have time to look at tuning some of the older add-ons and am going to be revisiting the concept of whether some of the add-ons listed (e.g. Bigger Hordes and Massive Hordes) are needed given that the config can be adjusted just as easily with more flexibility in configuration. Hope to have an update on these around the 1.0 release.


4 hours ago, Yakov said:

keen for 1.0 version if its in dev.

I'm currently working on bringing 1.0 compatibility and look to release an experimental build for testing around next week if everything goes to plan.

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