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Improved Hordes [V1.0]


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On 9/12/2023 at 9:22 PM, FilUnderscore said:

If you're talking about "wandering_animal_enemy_wilderness_sparsity" setting, you actually want to increase it for less animal hordes... it does sound a bit counter-intuitive, but a lower number means more per area (make sure to run "improvedhordes flush" to reset all hordes). You can also adjust the weight attribute (lower number means less chance) on the group tags in the hordes.xml file to lower the chance of bear/wolf hordes if you want to favor other types of animal hordes. Awesome to hear you're finding it useful!


Is this line the same? Lower number means more?


<density_per_km_squared>9.3</density_per_km_squared> <!-- Max World Horde Density. (Number of hordes in world) -->


And also wondering, the 'horde repopulation' is that just generating new hordes? Or does it remove all existing hordes and make new ones?

Edited by Agame (see edit history)
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On 9/15/2023 at 9:22 AM, -Holo- said:

Your mod really livens up the world and actually brings many "Maybe we should see if they walk past"moments that's just never there in regular game

Best way to describe it!


6 hours ago, Agame said:

Is this line the same? Lower number means more?


<density_per_km_squared>9.3</density_per_km_squared> <!-- Max World Horde Density. (Number of hordes in world) -->


And also wondering, the 'horde repopulation' is that just generating new hordes? Or does it remove all existing hordes and make new ones?

No, all the other settings that are not to do with "sparsity" behave as intended - higher = more. Looking into making the settings slightly clearer into what they do. Horde repopulation is to do with generating new hordes after a certain number of days, but only in empty areas that don't have any hordes present.

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More questions sorry :D


I have been increasing numbers in the settings file to get more hordes and I went out to the snow zone, and I found even small towns filled with hundreds of zombies, trying to go into a POI I would be drowning in a sea of Zs, even POIs in the wilderness I was quite quickly getting large groups moving in on me. This is compared to the forest biome where I am maybe seeing a group of a dozen once a day. Its pretty wild the difference between forest and snow. And it could be my imagination but the snow hordes seemed way more aggressive, I see them way in the distance standing around and then even if I just sit there they slowly begin to move towards me.


So these settings clearly have a HUGE impact on horde numbers: <horde_biome_multiplier> <horde_biome_curve_scale>


Just curious how they work, are they a multiplier that is also multiplied by biome skull count? And if I wanted to 'flatten' hordes out across all the biomes ie same number and size of hordes would I set them to zero? Or is the games biome difficulty a hardcoded boost to the hordes? My goal is to get bigger hordes in the pine forest... without making my computer catch on fire and explode if I go to the wasteland...

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7 hours ago, Agame said:

More questions sorry :D


I have been increasing numbers in the settings file to get more hordes and I went out to the snow zone, and I found even small towns filled with hundreds of zombies, trying to go into a POI I would be drowning in a sea of Zs, even POIs in the wilderness I was quite quickly getting large groups moving in on me. This is compared to the forest biome where I am maybe seeing a group of a dozen once a day. Its pretty wild the difference between forest and snow. And it could be my imagination but the snow hordes seemed way more aggressive, I see them way in the distance standing around and then even if I just sit there they slowly begin to move towards me.


So these settings clearly have a HUGE impact on horde numbers: <horde_biome_multiplier> <horde_biome_curve_scale>


Just curious how they work, are they a multiplier that is also multiplied by biome skull count? And if I wanted to 'flatten' hordes out across all the biomes ie same number and size of hordes would I set them to zero? Or is the games biome difficulty a hardcoded boost to the hordes? My goal is to get bigger hordes in the pine forest... without making my computer catch on fire and explode if I go to the wasteland...

The biome multiplier is the setting you are looking to adjust for baseline levels. The curve scale is exponential and increases the number of hordes in harder biomes by a lot, so you would want this number to be exactly 1.0 (to flatten).


Mathematically speaking, the curve is calculated as follows:

horde_biome_factor = horde_biome_multiplier + horde_biome_curve_scale^(biome_difficulty - 4)


A larger horde_biome_factor calculation means more hordes in a specific biome, based off that biome's difficulty.

Edited by FilUnderscore (see edit history)
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Hi guys, i installed this mod and im noticing the following (i would imagine is related to this mod)

im using <Version>2.0.0-beta.5</Version>

We are using a dedicated server with max zombie count 64 and we are up to 6-7 players.
.-the city we spawned is to empty maybe 6-10 zombies. (snow biome)
.- the city is next to the radiated biome and if we attack a zombie form there it stops following us when we enter the snow biome. (unless we attack it again)
.-every zombie we attack follow us to a point then stops (we need to attack it again)
.-Every screamer we find does not attract a single mob when she screams)
.-hordes are to small (7-8 zombies)

when i played 1 year ago aprox, with this mod and A20
i remember getting overwhelmed by this mod! it was a lot of fun.

i have not changed any setting at all in the mod.

are my problems vanilla related or mod related?

Ty vm for creating this mod! it gave us a lot of fun in A20

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13 hours ago, FilUnderscore said:

The biome multiplier is the setting you are looking to adjust for baseline levels. The curve scale is exponential and increases the number of hordes in harder biomes by a lot, so you would want this number to be exactly 1.0 (to flatten).


Mathematically speaking, the curve is calculated as follows:

horde_biome_factor = horde_biome_multiplier + horde_biome_curve_scale^(biome_difficulty - 4)


A larger horde_biome_factor calculation means more hordes in a specific biome, based off that biome's difficulty.


Awesome thanks, so just to confirm the base game biome difficulty will always increase hordes?


And related question do you happen to know if its easy or possible to change the biome difficulties in the game? For example make them all two skulls, or make them all no skulls etc?

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14 hours ago, delukard said:

Hi guys, i installed this mod and im noticing the following (i would imagine is related to this mod)

im using <Version>2.0.0-beta.5</Version>

We are using a dedicated server with max zombie count 64 and we are up to 6-7 players.
.-the city we spawned is to empty maybe 6-10 zombies. (snow biome)
.- the city is next to the radiated biome and if we attack a zombie form there it stops following us when we enter the snow biome. (unless we attack it again)
.-every zombie we attack follow us to a point then stops (we need to attack it again)
.-Every screamer we find does not attract a single mob when she screams)
.-hordes are to small (7-8 zombies)

when i played 1 year ago aprox, with this mod and A20
i remember getting overwhelmed by this mod! it was a lot of fun.

i have not changed any setting at all in the mod.

are my problems vanilla related or mod related?

Ty vm for creating this mod! it gave us a lot of fun in A20

Regarding horde spawns, you may want to look into changing the settings if you're looking for more hordes in cities/wilderness and larger hordes. Interesting point you've brought up is zombies stop following you - I'm always testing the AI but I haven't come across this particular bug. Closest to it is horde zombies may stop pathing for a second as they recalculate, though I'm working to improve this. There has been a change with the mod from A20 to A21 where instead of spawning in hordes at random times, hordes are now active across the map and simulated to give a more lively feel to the world. I'm looking to release an updated version of the wandering hordes from A20 at some point, and have them compatible with the A21 simulated hordes.


10 hours ago, Agame said:

Awesome thanks, so just to confirm the base game biome difficulty will always increase hordes?


And related question do you happen to know if its easy or possible to change the biome difficulties in the game? For example make them all two skulls, or make them all no skulls etc?

Biome difficulty won't increase hordes if you set horde_biome_curve_scale to 1.0. Regarding biome difficulties, it might be in the biomes.xml file as a number, this is only a guess but try take a look!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Interesting mod. Currently evaluating it in a community of players, with our dedicated server.


Is there a way of disabling the chat message when logging into the the server?


A message like that really ruins the players ability to play unknowingly about the setup and a game masters intensions for a specific map.

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On 9/30/2023 at 12:25 AM, mar3ld said:

Interesting mod. Currently evaluating it in a community of players, with our dedicated server.


Is there a way of disabling the chat message when logging into the the server?


A message like that really ruins the players ability to play unknowingly about the setup and a game masters intensions for a specific map.

The chat message should only pop-up the first time you run the mod and login. I might look to shift the version information into the "improvedhordes" console command output.

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On 9/30/2023 at 2:37 PM, FilUnderscore said:

The chat message should only pop-up the first time you run the mod and login. I might look to shift the version information into the "improvedhordes" console command output.



Thanks for your feedback.

The message pops up every time a player logs into the map/world.


Please consider making it possible for the admin or Game Master to mute any messages that reveal this mod was added.

In our community we often play against an active Game Master. Revealing server side mods of his or her choice really ruins any surprise moments.

Edited by mar3ld (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been playing 7 Days To Die since back when it looked blocky like Minecraft and it only had the Navesgane map to play on. Watching this game evolve over the years has been fantastic. I have more hours logged on this game than any other video game I have ever played. This is my first time modding the game. I chose this mod because it seems to promise and deliver the number of zombies that used to be in the game. I remember seeing hordes everywhere I went in earlier versions. However somewhere along the line they reduced the amount of total zombies in the game.

Blurb aside, I installed this mod and it's working well. 

I'm just wondering if anyone can tell me what settings I need to adjust and what number I should adjust those settings to in order for the game to have zombies everywhere.

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On 10/20/2023 at 1:12 AM, Spook_The_Recluse said:

I've been playing 7 Days To Die since back when it looked blocky like Minecraft and it only had the Navesgane map to play on. Watching this game evolve over the years has been fantastic. I have more hours logged on this game than any other video game I have ever played. This is my first time modding the game. I chose this mod because it seems to promise and deliver the number of zombies that used to be in the game. I remember seeing hordes everywhere I went in earlier versions. However somewhere along the line they reduced the amount of total zombies in the game.

Blurb aside, I installed this mod and it's working well. 

I'm just wondering if anyone can tell me what settings I need to adjust and what number I should adjust those settings to in order for the game to have zombies everywhere.

Welcome to the exciting world of modding games, or at least of modding 7DtD. 😊

I'm sure the developer will appreciate you creating an account to be able to tell your story. 👍🏻


I'm still learning the ins and outs of this mod so I'm not of any help as of yet.

Edited by mar3ld (see edit history)
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On 10/20/2023 at 10:12 AM, Spook_The_Recluse said:

I've been playing 7 Days To Die since back when it looked blocky like Minecraft and it only had the Navesgane map to play on. Watching this game evolve over the years has been fantastic. I have more hours logged on this game than any other video game I have ever played. This is my first time modding the game. I chose this mod because it seems to promise and deliver the number of zombies that used to be in the game. I remember seeing hordes everywhere I went in earlier versions. However somewhere along the line they reduced the amount of total zombies in the game.

Blurb aside, I installed this mod and it's working well. 

I'm just wondering if anyone can tell me what settings I need to adjust and what number I should adjust those settings to in order for the game to have zombies everywhere.


If you look back through this thread you will find some examples of peoples settings to ramp it up.


My advice would be bump the settings up really high and it will get insane, then you can bring the numbers back down to something that is playable.


Good luck, its great fun modding and messing around with the numbers!

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On 10/31/2023 at 9:18 AM, sarin12 said:

Do you have a list of older releases of the mod? Our servers looking like it'll only go back to 19.3 or so, we're trying to get away from the new loot system implemented.

The list of previous releases for the mod can be found under the download link in the first post, oldest stable release (1.0.0) dates back to A20 b238.

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I just want to say that your mod makes the game so much more interesting and exciting! Even cleaning a simple tier 1 poi can be a death trap if you are not careful and get surprised by a bunch of angry zombies wandering around, and you are always worried about hordes spawning whenever and eating you 😅.

So thank you for your work 💜

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  • FilUnderscore changed the title to Improved Hordes [A21.2]

IMPROVED HORDES 2.0.0 for A21.2 b30 released.


Download: https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ImprovedHordes/releases/latest/download/ImprovedHordes.zip



  • Banner and Icon for Mod Manager Mods menu.
  • silence_init_msg setting (default: false) to hide the initialization message on first world load (it appears in the console instead of in-game chat).


  • Wandering hordes no longer sprint between zones and no longer have a wander delay within zones to compensate.
    • This change was necessary as the AI ends up doing 'nothing' most of the time and isn't very exciting to see when encountering a horde.
  • Wandering AI Command improvements.
    • Hordes will now wander in areas they visit in the wilderness, heat events, or zones by roaming around within a certain radius when arriving at their destination. This is an improvement to the previous wander system which just had them idling in place.


  • Fix error thrown when WorldZoneHordePopulator checks for trader area.
  • Fix "Collection was modified" error during horde updates.
  • Fix errors when using debug builds of the game.
  • Fix Horde AI pathing getting stuck when given certain world positions.


Improved Hordes 2.0.0 has gone stable! This update brings some bug fixes and AI improvements.


On 11/3/2023 at 3:07 PM, Spook_The_Recluse said:

I have been using this mod and made all the numbers beefed up so that I can have a ton of zombies and hordes. BUT does anyone know how to have less screamers while still keeping all the roaming hordes? I want tons of zombies in my world but I don't want screamers outside my base 24/7

There isn't currently a setting to adjust screamer spawn rates as screamers are an integral part of the mod, but if you kill off the screamers, they won't be around as often as there is a respawn delay as specified by the horde repopulation settings in the settings.xml. There is a finite amount of screamer hordes can be present in the world at a time (dependent on world size and horde spawn settings).


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  • 2 months later...

Quick question: I am creating an overhaul mod and I would like to use this mod to enhance the big city feel. I would love to use your mod. I am not sure that any augmentation will be needed for it as I am still working on the mod. [One of my recent changes kills all of the zombies if they hit the ground so...I have not had much time with the inworld feel) but for the first few days, their movement seemed very natural.

Thank you for your consideration,



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/18/2024 at 10:28 AM, More2Me4Life said:

Quick question: I am creating an overhaul mod and I would like to use this mod to enhance the big city feel. I would love to use your mod. I am not sure that any augmentation will be needed for it as I am still working on the mod. [One of my recent changes kills all of the zombies if they hit the ground so...I have not had much time with the inworld feel) but for the first few days, their movement seemed very natural.

Thank you for your consideration,



Hi, apologies for not replying sooner - I saw this message a while back and was going to get around to writing a response.


Definitely! Feel free to include this mod in your overhaul (provided you mention the mod and a link to it of course). There have already been a couple of other overhauls that have integrated the mod, namely Ravenhearst, and it has been interesting seeing how they've made use of it to improve the experience.


Looking forward to seeing it in action!

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  • 2 months later...

So I'm not seeing that much of a difference right off the bat but reading through the comments it seems this might be expects?

I also don't see the add ons that were mentioned when this mod first launched *(see below) I've set my dedicated server to 400+ zombies and the zombies were horde in this mods settings to 64 but I hardly encounter any zombies in the world. Is this normal? It is day 65 on my server when I installed this and I just kind of expected to see a large increase but thus far nothing really seems to have changed.

These will be coming soon. Stay tuned for updates.


> Airdrop Hordes Add-on


> Bigger Hordes Add-on

> Massive Hordes Add-on


> Random Hordes Add-on

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  • 3 weeks later...

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