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Clear Zombies Quest Bug


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Before I start, I want to clarify how this started. My world save got corrupted, and I found a video that showed me how to fix it. I fixed the save, and everything works. Except for clear zombie quests. When I kill every single zombie, the quest doesn't finish. But when I quit out to the menu and join back in, it makes me do the quest again but makes it so I can finish the quest. When I go to do another clear zombie quest afterwards, the bug shows up again. This has never happened to me before until I did the fix. Does anyone have any idea why, or should I just wait for the next patch? I thought about making another world, but I have so much hours invested in it. Anyways, thanks for reading.

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  • 3 months later...

I mean, it's highly unlikely you're going to find a fix for this besides cancelling the quest (I'm assuming by your description that it's the same quest and not all clear quests). It's a shame saves get corrupted, but the work around is not sure fire and from my experience, I've never been able to cleanly restore a corrupted save. There's always something funky about it. If it's all clear quests that are bugged, you'll probably just have to start a new game.



EDIT: I just realized how old this post is. I guess this is also addressed to @AlleXuSS if he's having the same issue.

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