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How to shut down dedicated server under ubuntu?


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Hi all,


I've recently set up a dedicated server on a google cloud vm ubuntu instance. When I start the server via ./startserver.sh -configfile=serverconfig.xml the server starts and runs. (Until after some time the vm gets unresponsive.) The one thing I'm missing, is the "server terminal" which for example, pops-up when you start a dedicated server on a windows machine. After running the .bat file, a new window pops up and is showing log messages. In this popup, I also can interact with the server, especially shut it down. But under ubuntu the console stays like this


$ ./startserver.sh -configfile=serverconfig.xml
Using config file: serverconfig.xml
Set current directory to /home/steam/.steam/steamapps/common/7dtd
Found path: /home/steam/.steam/steamapps/common/7dtd/7DaysToDieServer.x86_64


 Is this normal? How can I shutdown the server without using CTRL+C? Any chance to get this pop up showing me the live feed of the server like in windows?


And another thing which confuses me. I followed some installation guide which was pretty straight forward. But when I used the force_install_dir /home/steam/7dtd command, I got the message, that I have to do it before I log in. Ok no problem so far. Did that and the directory got created. But the game got installed to /home/steam/.steam/steamapps/common/7dtd/

No problem here or?

Edited by 640er (see edit history)
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Managing from Linux is a bit different. First, to shut it down, you need shell access to the game's terminal.


To get the terminal, enable it in the server config, after setting the ports and passwords correctly:



Alternatively, if you don't want to expose it to the internet, you can just not set a password, and only be able to access it from the localhost (That's what I've done in my example)


To start the server, use

nohup ./startserver.sh -configfile=serverconfig.xml &


This will cause the process to run in the background, giving you back control.


To shutdown the server, type

telnet localhost 8081


(or whatever port you opened)




You can then type in shutdown to shut the server down elegantly.


help and "help <command."


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12 hours ago, 640er said:

And another thing which confuses me. I followed some installation guide which was pretty straight forward.

Steam changed the order of the commands recently, so maybe the guide hasn't been updated. So in the line to dl the build, the directory

goes before the login. It used to be the other way around.


steamcmd +force_install_dir "D:\your path here" +login anonymous +app_update 294420 -validate -beta latest_experimental +quit

12 hours ago, 640er said:

How can I shutdown the server

Another access option is through a web page. In the serverconfig.xml it's the line:

<property name="ControlPanelEnabled"            value="false"/>

in the Admin interfaces section.

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56 minutes ago, 640er said:

Thank you guys, will have a look at this.


Another question which arose with the new b234 patch. Will the server automatically update to this latest patch or do I have to trigger that somehow? 

Usually you will need to run an update manually.  I have cron jobs set to periodically check and update ours using LGSM.

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10 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

Usually you will need to run an update manually.  I have cron jobs set to periodically check and update ours using LGSM.


With the app_update command? I tried with that but it started to download the whole game again so I cancelled it. Or is there no possibility of just an "delta update"?

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