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Craft magazines, fast plant growth, less wasteland rubble and more (updated for 1.0)


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9 hours ago, pahbi said:


Crafting tier 6 is *KINDA* fixed.  It works, the skill progressions don't glitch out, but the items are limited to tier 5 until you finish all the skill magazines, at which time, you can then craft tier 6 everything.


I was able to get everything to progress and craft tier 6, but then when I finished the skill magazines, everything clicked over to crafting tier 7.  Which is kind hysterical on its own, and I might put it back that way.  I mean, the intent for these modlets is to make life easier for ultra mega casual noobs like myself.


Anyways, this is either a xml issue I don't understand (highly likely) or something thats hard coded into the game.


I'll poke around more as I get time and see if I can figure out it.



I see, damn... TFP sure made a mess of the quality system.. wouldn't be surprised if it was made like this on purpose, in order to bother even modders.
Well, thank you regardless for all the time you put into this, much appreciated ;) .

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14 hours ago, pahbi said:

I'm not throwing in the towel just yet.  :)



My dude, I think it's done!

Finally found a way around it, without any of the bugs, like tier 7, or going back to level one once pass the required magazine level.

Here is an example from the edited progression file:



            <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="3,5,7,10,100" value="1,2,3,4,4" tags="meleeToolRepairT0StoneAxe,meleeToolShovelT0StoneShovel"/>
            <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="14,18,22,26,100" value="1,2,3,4,4" tags="meleeToolPickT1IronPickaxe,meleeToolShovelT1IronShovel,meleeToolAxeT1IronFireaxe"/>
            <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="35,43,51,59,100" value="1,2,3,4,4" tags="meleeToolPickT2SteelPickaxe,meleeToolShovelT2SteelShovel,meleeToolAxeT2SteelAxe"/>
            <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="70,80,90,100" value="1,2,3,4" tags="meleeToolPickT3Auger,meleeToolAxeT3Chainsaw"/>


            <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="3,5,7,10,13,100" value="1,2,3,4,5,5" tags="meleeToolRepairT0StoneAxe,meleeToolShovelT0StoneShovel"/>
            <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="14,18,22,26,30,100" value="1,2,3,4,5,5" tags="meleeToolPickT1IronPickaxe,meleeToolShovelT1IronShovel,meleeToolAxeT1IronFireaxe"/>
            <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="35,43,51,59,67,100" value="1,2,3,4,5,5" tags="meleeToolPickT2SteelPickaxe,meleeToolShovelT2SteelShovel,meleeToolAxeT2SteelAxe"/>
            <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="60,70,80,90,100" value="1,2,3,4,5" tags="meleeToolPickT3Auger,meleeToolAxeT3Chainsaw"/>


I basically added a double "level 5" so that when it reached max level, it's still tier 6, and also added an extra trigger level to each tool type. In some cases the last level of one tool overlap with the first, or first couple, or the next tool, but I don't see that much of a problem.
If it bothers though, it can still be fixed by adjusting how many magazines are needed between each trigger, so that they all fit neatly in the limit amount, which is from 50 to 100, depending on the category.

I hope any of this is clear, as it kinda confused myself as well. I'd use the excuse "English is not my first language", but truth is, I wouldn't be any better in my main language either, explaining this kind of stuff XD .

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4 hours ago, Drazil said:

I basically added a double "level 5" so that when it reached max level, it's still tier 6, and also added an extra trigger level to each tool type. In some cases the last level of one tool overlap with the first, or first couple, or the next tool, but I don't see that much of a problem.
If it bothers though, it can still be fixed by adjusting how many magazines are needed between each trigger, so that they all fit neatly in the limit amount, which is from 50 to 100, depending on the category.

I hope any of this is clear, as it kinda confused myself as well. I'd use the excuse "English is not my first language", but truth is, I wouldn't be any better in my main language either, explaining this kind of stuff XD .


That's basically what you have to do.  To expand on Drazil's post:


            <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="3,5,7,10,100" value="1,2,3,4,4" tags="gunHandgunT0PipePistol"/>


The first 4 levels are for Q2-5 (Q1 is obtained when you unlock the recipe which is defined in the recipe unlock section above this).  The last level (100) makes sure that you don't lose the ability to craft the highest quality level possible toward the end of the crafting tier.


Some other things to consider:


You can change the total number of magazines required for that crafting skill via the first node in that crafting skill:


    <crafting_skill name="craftingHandguns" max_level="100" parent="attCrafting" name_key="craftingHandgunsName" desc_key="craftingHandgunsDesc" long_desc_key="craftingHandgunsLongDesc" icon="ui_game_symbol_pistol">


The attribute max_level defines how many magazines you need to finish it up.  You can easily add more or remove magazines as you adjust those levels.


Display entry line is what you will see in-game


        <display_entry item="gunHandgunT0PipePistol" unlock_level="1,3,5,7,10" />


In Drazil's example, you would need to add 13 at the end for the stone axe to show Q6 unlocking at level 13.


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Much better explanation @BFT2020 , thank you. It finally all makes a decent amount of sense.

I was tired of having to rely on simple luck to have those rare quality 6 military stealth boots, and on top of that I would now actually care of storing scrap parts for crafting. Till now I had only been selling them, waiting instead to get quality 6 stuff by random chance.

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Before I say anything, I just throw out a huge thanks for helping me with this.


I'm barely a armchair quarterback hack at this, so I'm super greatful for the help.


I will start working up the file, it sounds like at a minimum I need xpaths for level, value and unlock_level.  


At this point, I think it would be easier and better for me to start from scratch, there are a lot of edits and so many numbers that I just end up making typos.

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That's great you got it sorted but I'd thought I'd share what I changed and have been using on your previous upload.


<set xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingHarvestingTools']/effect_group/passive_effect[5][@name='CraftingTier' and @value='1,2,3,4,4']/@value">1,2,3,4,5</set>
<set xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingHarvestingTools']/effect_group/passive_effect[6][@name='CraftingTier' and @value='1,2,3,4,4']/@value">1,2,3,4,5</set>
<set xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingHarvestingTools']/effect_group/passive_effect[7][@name='CraftingTier' and @value='1,2,3,4,4']/@value">1,2,3,4,5</set>
<set xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingHarvestingTools']/effect_group/passive_effect[8][@name='CraftingTier' and @value='1,2,3,4']/@value">2,3,4,5</set>

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1 hour ago, pahbi said:

I think the thing that got me confused the most was when I thought something was right but in reality there was a typo somewhere that made it not work.


Those are the worst.  I have had some where I copied code elsewhere where I used contains, but changed it to the more simply code and forget something silly, like changing contains(@item,'axe') to @item,'meleeToolRepairT0StoneAxe' but forgetting to change the , to =.  Spend too much time staring at the code and not seeing that tiny little mistake.

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  • pahbi changed the title to A21 Modlets - Craft water from snow or buckets, fast plant growth, no heat dew collector and more

Heyhey :)


Question for underständing "reduce precipitation in all biomes "


    <!-- Greatly reduce precipitation in all biomes -->
    <set xpath ="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='snow']/weather[@name='default']/@prob">90</set>
    <set xpath ="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='snow']/weather[@name='snow']/@prob">2</set>
    <set xpath ="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='snow']/weather[@name='storm']/@prob">1</set>

90 is percent ?
and set down to 2 percent and strom to 1 percent ?

or is 90 a value for default lowerd to 2 and 1 ?

if i do 150 it raise snow,rain etc ?


Thanks :)


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Nice, I'm using some of your mods. Great job. You do like 5 seconds though huh lol. Hope you don't mind I'm do a few edits to that and some other stuff. Like getting bucket back for water. I know it makes sense but I want it to cost to make so you still use the dew collector. I also raised the time it takes along with added more time to snow to water and how much snow to make 1 bottle....


now this one is going to take a few but the craft magazines. Goin to make it 300 seconds to craft and more resources. I wanna add another resource or 2 as well but I'm having issues thinking of something. Any thoughts? Was thinking maybe duck tape and maybe paint for like the colors of the magazine or something. 


Great job for real. Solo I wouldn't mind all of it just on a community discord server so don't want things to easy ya know lol. 

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6 hours ago, crazywildfire said:

Nice, I'm using some of your mods. Great job. You do like 5 seconds though huh lol. Hope you don't mind I'm do a few edits to that and some other stuff. Like getting bucket back for water. I know it makes sense but I want it to cost to make so you still use the dew collector. I also raised the time it takes along with added more time to snow to water and how much snow to make 1 bottle....


now this one is going to take a few but the craft magazines. Goin to make it 300 seconds to craft and more resources. I wanna add another resource or 2 as well but I'm having issues thinking of something. Any thoughts? Was thinking maybe duck tape and maybe paint for like the colors of the magazine or something. 


Great job for real. Solo I wouldn't mind all of it just on a community discord server so don't want things to easy ya know lol. 


My philosophy is everyone should play the game the way they want to play it.




Edit away  :)



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7 hours ago, Sixx said:

Heyhey :)


Question for underständing "reduce precipitation in all biomes "


    <!-- Greatly reduce precipitation in all biomes -->
    <set xpath ="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='snow']/weather[@name='default']/@prob">90</set>
    <set xpath ="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='snow']/weather[@name='snow']/@prob">2</set>
    <set xpath ="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='snow']/weather[@name='storm']/@prob">1</set>

90 is percent ?
and set down to 2 percent and strom to 1 percent ?

or is 90 a value for default lowerd to 2 and 1 ?

if i do 150 it raise snow,rain etc ?


Thanks :)



My understanding of the xml files is tenuous at best, but I believe the way to read the biome code is:


  • Default weather is the absence of any weather condition, ie sunny and clear
  • Anything other than default is a weather condition.
  • Weather conditions are rain, storm, snow, fog etc...

The modlet sets the chance of default weather at 90%.


10% of the time, when the weather isn't default, there is a 2% chance of rain, and 1% chance of storms.


I may have gone a bit overboard with getting rid of the rain, feel free to edit the file to your own liking.  :)




14 hours ago, Euzio said:

May I know how much the reduction is? 


Its kind of hard to quantify, for the sake of simplicity I will say A LOT.


My understanding is the game has what is called, 'default' weather.  Default weather is the absence of any other weather condition ie sunny and clear.


I set the chance of default weather to 90%


10% of the time when the weather is not default, a weather condition can occur like snow, rain fog etc...


I set the chance of rain to 2%, and the chance of storms to 1%.


I may have gone a bit overboard on tamping down rain, so feel free to edit the file to suit your tastes.  :)


Edited by pahbi (see edit history)
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4 hours ago, pahbi said:


My understanding of the xml files is tenuous at best, but I believe the way to read the biome code is:


  • Default weather is the absence of any weather condition, ie sunny and clear
  • Anything other than default is a weather condition.
  • Weather conditions are rain, storm, snow, fog etc...

The modlet sets the chance of default weather at 90%.


10% of the time, when the weather isn't default, there is a 2% chance of rain, and 1% chance of storms.


I may have gone a bit overboard with getting rid of the rain, feel free to edit the file to your own liking.  :)





Its kind of hard to quantify, for the sake of simplicity I will say A LOT.


My understanding is the game has what is called, 'default' weather.  Default weather is the absence of any other weather condition ie sunny and clear.


I set the chance of default weather to 90%


10% of the time when the weather is not default, a weather condition can occur like snow, rain fog etc...


I set the chance of rain to 2%, and the chance of storms to 1%.


I may have gone a bit overboard on tamping down rain, so feel free to edit the file to suit your tastes.  :)


Thanks for the explanation~ And the changes are awesome! I actually dislike how gloomy it all looks once the weather rolls in so having it set to minimal is just perfect for me~ 

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On 7/3/2023 at 4:46 PM, crazywildfire said:

Nice, I'm using some of your mods. Great job. You do like 5 seconds though huh lol. Hope you don't mind I'm do a few edits to that and some other stuff. Like getting bucket back for water. I know it makes sense but I want it to cost to make so you still use the dew collector. I also raised the time it takes along with added more time to snow to water and how much snow to make 1 bottle....

Hey pahbi, nice mods, I'd like to change the snow to water recipe as well, I want to increase the time and amount of snow required, however I am not sure how to do it, I dabbled with the recipes.xml in the config but I didnt see the a change ingame, mind you, its an old save

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45 minutes ago, Jimzawy said:

Hey pahbi, nice mods, I'd like to change the snow to water recipe as well, I want to increase the time and amount of snow required, however I am not sure how to do it, I dabbled with the recipes.xml in the config but I didnt see the a change ingame, mind you, its an old save

It shouldn't matter to an older save.... at the very worse you might have to craft a new campfire and place down. I don't think you do but like I said at the worse.


As far as the change. If you talking about snow into water mod. Open his mod folder called snow_to_water.... open config folder.....then open recipes folder ( in notepad or notepad+ or whatever you use to edit folder).... when you do as you will see this mod doesn't have much info just a few lines. In the recipe line kinda middle area you should see craft_time "5" ( change the "5" to whatever you want so "60" would be 1 minute, "120" would be 2 minutes and so on..... the next line should start with ingredient name. The last thing should show count="1" .... change that to whatever amount you want. Mine I did count="500" so it takes 500 snowballs to make 1 bottle. And the time I did craft_time="600" so it takes 10 minutes to craft.


Made it that way so it still pushes the server to use dew collector but also allows other ways as well. 


Hope this helps. 

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On 7/12/2023 at 3:05 AM, crazywildfire said:

It shouldn't matter to an older save.... at the very worse you might have to craft a new campfire and place down. I don't think you do but like I said at the worse.


As far as the change. If you talking about snow into water mod. Open his mod folder called snow_to_water.... open config folder.....then open recipes folder ( in notepad or notepad+ or whatever you use to edit folder).... when you do as you will see this mod doesn't have much info just a few lines. In the recipe line kinda middle area you should see craft_time "5" ( change the "5" to whatever you want so "60" would be 1 minute, "120" would be 2 minutes and so on..... the next line should start with ingredient name. The last thing should show count="1" .... change that to whatever amount you want. Mine I did count="500" so it takes 500 snowballs to make 1 bottle. And the time I did craft_time="600" so it takes 10 minutes to craft.


Thnx a bunch for the reply CWF, changing the recipes.xml in the config is the logical solution of course, but I tried it,  in the old and a new world, but it did not change the recipe in-game, still one snow for one bottle in 5 sec, I dont know what I might be missing

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