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Craft magazines, fast plant growth, less wasteland rubble and more (updated for 1.0)


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All modlets seem to work with V1.0


All modlets except addFoodandSigns.zip and craftBooks.zip should work with A21.  If you find a modlet that doesn't work with A21, please let me know, thanks.  


Since I'm a super mega casual noob, I made these modlets to make 7DTD life easier.  It goes without saying, please feel free to edit these to your own liking.


Unzip and copy to mods directory


The mods directory default location should be:




Main Github Page



Remove Heat caused by firing guns



Craft Painkillers on the chemistry workbench



Greatly reduced cinderblocks and iron rubble in wastelands, way easier to drive through.




Create American Flagpole at workbench



(Removed)Craft water filter at workbench


Super Duper Auger



Craft buff candy



(FIXED FOR 1.0 exp)   Add craftable canned foods, honey and animal fat to chemistry station and craftable signs and posters to workbench



(Removed, unnecessary)  Empty your forge of basic materials more quickly 


(UPDATED FOR 1.0 exp)Reduce precipitation in all biomes



Add solar panel to workbench



Add solar cells to workbench



Dew Collector doesn't make heat



(FIXED FOR 1.0 exp) Craft all books, schematics and magazines

*NOTE* Appears to be fixed.  Books, skill magazines and schematics should show up under the science tab on the workbench.  Also updated the readme file for clarity.



Craft snowballs into water



Craft 4 water from full bucket of water using campfire, returns an empty bucket + 4 boiled water.

*NOTE* This actually crafts a bundle of 4 boiled water + 1 empty bucket.  Its clunky but there's no other way to return the bucket that I know of.



Speed up dew collector



(Removed, new crafting in V1.0) Craft Tier 6 Items (Spot checked 4 items, seems to be working.)

*NOTE*  Huge thanks to Drazil and BFT2020 for cracking the code.


More Harvest from Living off The Land



Faster crop growth



Harvesting crops will always give a seed



Super iron pickaxe



Start game with iron pickaxe in inventory



Faster leveling and more skill points per level



Allows the player to extract Acid from lead acid batteries using the workbench



Adds Sewing Kit recipe to workbench



Adds Beaker recipe to workbench



Adds Vitamins to chemistry station



Planted trees grow faster.






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  • pahbi changed the title to A20 Modlets - LoTL perk, Fast Plant Growth, Super Iron Pickaxe

First thank you for your work :) But as a fellow casual donkey I have some questions:

I wonder what the '5' represents? Is it a sort of a multiplier or hard coded minutes? 
Does it work on already present savegames? 


	<!-- Set crop growth rate.  Default value is 63 -->
	<set xpath="blocks/block[@name='cropsGrowingMaster']/property[@name='PlantGrowing.GrowthRate']/@value">5</set>


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8 hours ago, br41n4ch3 said:

First thank you for your work :) But as a fellow casual donkey I have some questions:

I wonder what the '5' represents? Is it a sort of a multiplier or hard coded minutes? 
Does it work on already present savegames? 


	<!-- Set crop growth rate.  Default value is 63 -->
	<set xpath="blocks/block[@name='cropsGrowingMaster']/property[@name='PlantGrowing.GrowthRate']/@value">5</set>



I would expect this to work on existing saves.


To be honest I'm not 100% certain what '5' actually represents.  '63' is the default value, it seems that lower values make crops grow faster. 


Most crops have 3 stages of growth right?  I believe '5' relates to the amount of time between each stage of growth.


Next time I plant some crops, I'll stick around and try to figure out how much time '5' is.


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I cant seem to get this to work.  Do i install it how it is or do you have to take those brackets out.  I am using your skill point mod also and i had to remove the brackets for it to work


Update:  Seems to be working.  realized that anything already planted was probably working on the old timer

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7 hours ago, Bloodwyn999 said:

I cant seem to get this to work.  Do i install it how it is or do you have to take those brackets out.  I am using your skill point mod also and i had to remove the brackets for it to work


Update:  Seems to be working.  realized that anything already planted was probably working on the old timer


Thanks for pointing this out, the skill points thing shouldn't have had any brackets, maybe I uploaded the wrong file, I'll go look and make sure.


Edit:  Yup, I uploaded the wrong file for skill points, sorry about that, it should be fixed now.


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15 minutes ago, Bloodwyn999 said:

yeah, i cant seem to get any mods to work now.


It seems like it works, but maybe I'm not doing something right.


I opted out of the beta, and started a new game.


Do I need to uninstall and reinstall?



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35 minutes ago, Poffdaddy87 said:

Wanting to use the extra skill points mod and have a noob question.  How do I exactly change the numbers?  Do I lower the 1000 for xp to level faster?  And is the 5 under skills the amount I would be getting?


Yes and Yes


The default, 'xp to next level' is 10000, and the default skill points per level is 1.


Setting 'xp to next level' to 1000 should level you approximately 10 times faster.


BTW, is this working for you on the stable release?


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1 minute ago, pahbi said:


Yes and Yes


The default, 'xp to next level' is 10000, and the default skill points per level is 1.


Setting 'xp to next level' to 1000 should level you approximately 10 times faster.


BTW, is this working for you on the stable release?


I haven't tried it yet.  Was making sure I was reading the folder correctly. 

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15 minutes ago, pahbi said:


Yes and Yes


The default, 'xp to next level' is 10000, and the default skill points per level is 1.


Setting 'xp to next level' to 1000 should level you approximately 10 times faster.


BTW, is this working for you on the stable release?


It seems to be working.  Leveled up and got 5 points


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On 12/25/2021 at 1:05 PM, pahbi said:

Added Acid and SewingKit recipes to workbench.

Thanks for this. I used to use a mod to craft sewing kits back in A19 and I miss it in A20 because in addition to medical and vanilla crafting, I have mod recipes that need sewing kits and I was starting to get desperate. LOL

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I just want to explain a few things for those who are using the EXP/Skill points mod (thanks a million for this mod, by the way).


It isn't explicitly stated exactly how customizing the .xml file works.


So, in case everyone was wondering, for the EXP/Skill points mod you have this line in the progression.xml (within the mod, don't touch the main game .xml):


<set xpath="/progression/level/@exp_to_level">1000</set>


The DEFAULT for this is 10,000. And the EXP to level change only works immediately if you decrease the above number from where it was when you last loaded the game. If you increase this number, you'll have to wait until you level up again to see the changes.


The mod sets it at 1,000 - which means you require only 10% your usual EXP to level up. At level 65 this bought my EXP to level from somewhere around 170k to somewhere around 17k. If you download this mod on an existing save at a high level, I highly suggest setting it somewhere closer to 10,000 (such as 9,000) and quitting/lowering the number/reloading the game until you get exactly where you want to be.

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I apologize for being so late with this, but I haven't really been paying attention to the game lately.


The location of the mods directory has changed, so here are some instructions on where to put the mods directory.




For me, it seems the game auto moved my mods to the correct directory, so be sure to check if the game did the same to you.




Step 1 go to the following location:





Step 2 Look for a directory called Mods

Step 3 If there is no directory, create a directory called Mods

Step 4 Copy all of the mod files to that directory.

Step 5 Each mod can be in its own directory (see image below)




Last step is the most important - Have Fun!


- Pahbi


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