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Linux A20 - game initializing


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Hello, first time here.


I am trying to get the beta version up and running. I had A19 up and running w/o problem. When I try to login to the server, I get an error saying the game is still initializing. I tried waiting an hour but get the same error.


Picture of error: https://pasteboard.co/CJOmRhuvET0Y.png


gameserver@gameserver:~/sdtdserver$ uname -a
Linux gameserver 5.4.0-90-generic #101-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 15 20:00:55 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


My server logs are here: https://pastebin.com/DuKm5NCp


Server configuration: https://pastebin.com/75s50vcA


I installed the server from scratch using these commands:

@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType linux
force_install_dir /home/gameserver/sdtdserver/
login [myusername]
app_update 294420 -beta latest_experimental validate


I am starting the server with the command:

./7DaysToDieServer.x86_64 -configfile=serverconfig.xml -logfile logs/output_log.txt -quit -batchmode -nographics -dedicated


I appreciate any help! Thank you!

Edited by sk3tch288 (see edit history)
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2 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

First thing I noticed...

Loaded world file from different version: 'Alpha 20 (b209)'

There have been a few updates since that I would recommend a new world for.


Also, the message is correct that the server is not finished loading when you attempt to connect.


I installed the server using steamcmd today, so I am just pulling down whatever data it has access to. Is there another way to download more up to date server files?

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5 minutes ago, sk3tch288 said:

I installed the server using steamcmd today, so I am just pulling down whatever data it has access to. Is there another way to download more up to date server files?

You have the latest server files. (b218) The issue Sylen pointed out is that you are trying to load a world from a previous build (b209). It's recommended do delete old worlds before starting b218.

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4 minutes ago, Beelzybub said:

You have the latest server files. (b218) The issue Sylen pointed out is that you are trying to load a world from a previous build (b209). It's recommended do delete old worlds before starting b218.


Thanks. I don't understand how that could be happening because I've wiped out all of my old data and am trying to use only whatever steamcmd is downloading. Is a new world generated when you start the new server?

So, I just deleted everything and downloaded again. I see the same "error" in the log:

gameserver@gameserver:~/sdtdserver$ grep b209 7DaysToDieServer_Data/output_log__2021-12-09__01-34-41.txt
2021-12-09T01:35:25 43.108 INF Loaded world file from different version: 'Alpha 20 (b209)'


Do I need to generate a new world before starting the server? If so, can you please point me to a resource that describes how to do this. Thanks!

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14 minutes ago, sk3tch288 said:

can you please point me to a resource that describes how to do this.

Here's the resource.


In ServerConfig.xml...


Enter "RWG" as the "GameWorld" variable.

Enter a seed you have not previously used in the "WorldGenSeed" variable.


Edit other variables to your liking. Save. Start server. Wait.

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I think the b218-world is normal. He is using Navezgane and that world might have been last created with b218. I got a similar message on my server when I used one of the PREGEN worlds.


The real problem seems to be this:


[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
dlopen failed trying to load:
with error:
steamclient.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


steamclient.so is found in the steam directory in linux64, but also in the game client in 7DaysToDieServer_Data/Plugins/x86_64/ (for the 64 bit version).


The script I use to start the game on my server is this:


nohup ./startserver.sh -configfile=serverconfig.xml &>/dev/null &


I didn't check, but maybe the startserver.sh script adds some library paths


EDIT: The problem seems to have corrected itself. Forget what I said about library paths, it could have been just an incomplete download.


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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8 minutes ago, meganoth said:

I think the b218-world is normal. He is using Navezgane and that world might have been last created with b218. I got a similar message on my server when I used one of the PREGEN worlds.


The real problem seems to be this:


[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
dlopen failed trying to load:
with error:
steamclient.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


steamclient.so is found in the steam directory in linux64, but also in the game client in 7DaysToDieServer_Data/Plugins/x86_64/ (for the 64 bit version).


The script I use to start the game on my server is this:


nohup ./startserver.sh -configfile=serverconfig.xml &>/dev/null &


I didn't check, but maybe the startserver.sh script adds some library paths


EDIT: The problem seems to have corrected itself. Forget what I said about library paths, it could have been just an incomplete download.



Yes, I saw this error line too and verified that the steamclient.so file was present. I think you're probably right about it being a pathing issue. The startserver script has this line:



which I guess leads to the server executable looking for steamclient.so in the current directory  (".")


I might test this out in the future, but I'm to busy playing the game now! Thanks again!

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