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What is the logic behind modded item sell price?

John Black

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Why is the sell price to trader not the [Item Value] + [Mod Value]? I'm asking because it has bothered me for multiple reasons.


1) On a multiplayer servers items over overpriced at trader because most items get modded, usually with crap, before selling.

2) It's a chore crafting mods and/or equipping mods before selling.

3) I dunno, 3 + 4 = 7?


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Hmm, I was about to say "you pretty much got it covered, there is no logic." But then I read your 1) and thought about it as a feature; the logic could be that you're not forced to equip your enemies to make some coin, or at least they'll have to pay through their nose for that sweet shotty you just made a fortune off of.


But, yeah, there's no logic :)

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On 12/7/2021 at 3:03 PM, theFlu said:

Hmm, I was about to say "you pretty much got it covered, there is no logic." But then I read your 1) and thought about it as a feature; the logic could be that you're not forced to equip your enemies to make some coin, or at least they'll have to pay through their nose for that sweet shotty you just made a fortune off of.


But, yeah, there's no logic :)

Good point 😁 -- let's call it a PVP feature!

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PvP feature?  We don't have those. :nono: So I, too, wonder about this.  Maybe it's easier to balance the range as a proportion of the base item's price?  No doubt @Gazz has a reason.


I mean an item+mod being worth more than the sum of its parts could make sense, if it required some skill or item to combine them.  Then you'd be leveraging something your character build can do, or do more easily, than others can.  But you're getting more or less money just for re-packaging how you sell the same stuff.  If you were trading with another human player, they'd laugh at you for wanting more money just because you took the 10 seconds to stick the mods on beforehand.  Regardless of their overall profit margins, the traders shouldn't be so easily manipulated.


We have the converse problem with durability.  What would I pay for someone's military armor that's at zero durability?  Not nothing, like the trader does, that's for sure!  I'd pay full price, minus the cost of a repair kit.  Because that's the only added cost for me to have it at full durability.  Again, if repairing required a skill or some other significant 'labor cost,' then I could understand the price reduction, but it's almost trivial.


In fairness, I haven't re-examined these prices in A20 specifically.

Edited by Crater Creator (see edit history)
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I noticed this again on the A20 streams and was really hoping for this to have been fixed. And you are right, the current pricing issues run deeper than just the [item] + [mod] issue. I assume the calculations only run on the tail end, i.e. resulting values and does not take the makeup or base item into consideration as it should. So I guess it’s more of a fundamental issue with the system rather than a single flawed calculation.

Edited by John Black (see edit history)
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