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Modding Idea/Question


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i want to ask the community if you maybe have one or two mods lying around that cover these topics:


1. As the one guy (in our group) that covers the weapons topic i feel like weapons (and tools) have no real drain. They are coming in over and over... maybe you have a mod that lowers the quality every time they get repaired till they get destroyed on quality "0"? 


2. We use different mods to get a darker atmosphere in game. That means that all none consumable lightsources (flashlight, nightvision) are really rare but still there. Is there any way that, when such a lightsource is used, it will be consumed? After that it must be repaired with a battery (loot-item maybe with recipe) fe.


Thank you in advance!

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On 11/24/2021 at 10:15 AM, MajorIncident said:

s there any way that, when such a lightsource is used, it will be consumed? After that it must be repaired with a battery (loot-item maybe with recipe)

I hope someone can/knows a way to do it! I also want a "batteries running out effect" mod and have asked if anyone knows how to do something like this a few times and have never gotten an answer.   I don't like how once you find a helmet/flashlight how it lasts "forever"

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  • 1 month later...

Actually I made a pure modlet that does it and works in Vanilla. It adds growing to every light source block so they grow into one that doesn't emit light. Sometimes it takes a few seconds to take effect but it also works on quest POI's.

It's for A19 only atm. I will have to see what it would take to make it work in A20.


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