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shematics/recipes bugged?


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7 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

If you are playing Darkness Falls, there are other things you would have to unlock first before you can make certain items.  Read the descriptions and it will tell you what you need to do.

i am using DF but as for unlock options it doesnt  check off anything when i use it. like the shematic for the 44 magnum example. i mean i could take it to df forum if need be. i just dont or didnt know its a df thing

2 minutes ago, Nickguy5467 said:

i am using DF but as for unlock options it doesnt  check off anything when i use it. like the shematic for the 44 magnum example. i mean i could take it to df forum if need be. i just dont or didnt know its a df thing

ok ignore what i said about the magnum because i just remembered why that didnt happen i didnt have guns 3 . but some food recipes didnt work does the same thing happen with food?


Edited by Nickguy5467 (see edit history)
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This really needs to be in the DF thread. But, yes, I'm pretty sure those kind of restrictions apply to almost everything in DF. Usually clicking on the perk levels or hovering over things will tell you what you need. Some are perk gated, some are player level gated.

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