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Brian's Mods for Alpha 19.6


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I developed a group of modlets to use on my server. I have decided to make them available to everyone. These modletss work on servers with no client side installation necessary, or on single player games. They are all compatible with each other.


Brian's Mod Admin Steel - allows admins to use invincible steel blocks for public horde bases. The blocks do take damage, but the downgrade path ensures that it never actually disappears. When one is destroyed, it is replaced by a copy of itself. As a bonus to players, it also provides a steel upgrade path for iron bars.

Brian's Mod Economy Boost - provides vending machines that act as fully stocked traders that players can place in their bases. These can be purchased from a trader or crafted at a workbench.

Brian's Mod High Level Perks - The maximum character level is increased from 300 to 500. All attributes have been increased from 10 to 13 levels, and most perks have been given 1 to 3 new levels with fun and powerful new bonuses. Run faster, hit harder, be stealthier, and learn new recipes.

WARNING: The High Level Perks mod is experimental and unbalanced. It is merely for purposes of pushing the limits of what could be done in the game. I cannot at this time recommend it for anyone trying to run a serious game. I am collecting a lot of feedback and will be trying to develop a better version of the mod sometime after alpha 20 is released. I apologize for not making this more clear when I initially published the mod.

Brian's Mod No Stone Age - Eliminates most Tier 0 weapons and tools from loot, while giving a small chance to find low quality Tier 1 items at early gamestages.

Brian's Mod Quality Control - decreases the effect of RNG and increases the effect of quality levels in determining stats for weapons, tools, and armor. Ensures that higher quality levels always generate better items. Also makes the number of mod slots equal to the quality level.


Brian's Mod Stack More - greatly increases stack sizes of most items.

Brian's Mod Stamina Balance - minor tweaks to the amounts of stamina that various weapons and tools use, to offer better balance.

Brian's Mod Zombie Harvest - all zombies can be harvested for the same items you would get from a zombie dog. Get going on those farm plots and hobo stews!


The next modlet is not being run on my server, but makes for a fun short term game:

Brian's Mod Max Level Challenge - This mod starts the player with 3 books - one that that teaches all recipes, one that gives all magazine/book perks, and another that raises the player to the max character level and automatically purchases all attributes and perks. Once you have raised your level through the third book, you will be dehydrated and starving. Finding food and drink is the first priority. Next, the real challenge is to gather everything you need and build a base that can withstand a high gamestage bloodmoon horde by night 7.

Edited by dhlmaster (see edit history)
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Brian's Mod High Level Perks - The maximum character level is increased from 300 to 500. All attributes have been increased from 10 to 13 levels, and most perks have been given 1 to 3 new levels with fun and powerful new bonuses. Run faster, hit harder, be stealthier, and learn new recipes.


this perk make mother lode had no effect, still giving the same amount (like cement, cobblestone) i haven't tried anything else

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7 minutes ago, Celticz said:

Brian's Mod High Level Perks - The maximum character level is increased from 300 to 500. All attributes have been increased from 10 to 13 levels, and most perks have been given 1 to 3 new levels with fun and powerful new bonuses. Run faster, hit harder, be stealthier, and learn new recipes.


this perk make mother lode had no effect, still giving the same amount (like cement, cobblestone) i haven't tried anything else

Thanks for the input. I will looks into it right now. There hasn't been a lot of playtesting on this mod yet, so I may have missed something.

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I just tested each level of the Mother Lode perk on 1200 HP trees with the following results:

No perk: 150 wood

1st level Mother Lode: 180 wood

2nd level Mother Lode: 209 wood

3rd level Mother Lode: 240 wood

4th level Mother Lode: 269 wood

5th level Mother Lode: 300 wood

6th level Mother Lode: 327 wood

7th level Mother Lode: 375 wood

8th level Mother Lode: 450 wood


Please let me know what type of block you're hitting that you aren't getting the proper output from and I can do further testing.

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Just now, Celticz said:

its cement block and cobble stone block, maybe it did not had effect from mother lode

OK, yeah I should have read your initial comment more carefully. The pallet bundles I believe give set amounts of resources, and they are intentionally not affected by mother lode. Mother Lode is only intended to affect natural resources as far as I know. Trees, ore, and terrain blocks.

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Hi @dhlmaster. Chrome users can't download your mods. Because you are using http download system. http is an old system. The Chrome browser blocks such downloads. You should upload your files to a more secure site. (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) Or if the site you uploaded is your own, you should use an SSL certificate. In this way, you now use the https download system.

Edited by Sinagrit Baba (see edit history)
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For those of you having trouble, rather than left clicking the link, right click it and hit "Save link as" to download the file. I just tested this in Chrome. It gives you a warning that says it can't be downloaded securely, just click "Keep" and it will still download. The domain I'm hosting on at the moment is my own domain and I don't intend to switch it at this moment. I personally find there to be more hassle with the other options that are available.

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On 8/4/2021 at 2:56 AM, q123 said:

Your site is already using a valid SSL certificate.

You should just add https to the links above - it should work fine 😉

Thanks for the tip. I didn't realize it was that easy to switch. I edited the links to https instead of http

I just added Brian's Mod Stack More to the OP - increases stack sizes on most items.

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It's intentionally permanent so that players on your server can't destroy your public structures. The way I used it on my server was to build with it in the prefab editor and then import my prefab onto the server. In the prefab editor, you can replace anything with air blocks if you misplace it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your high level perks mod is very nice, though I think some of the effects are a bit too OP (run speed bonus from Cardio, for example). However, there is an issue with the recipes part, where it removes the scaling cost of weapons that are crafted at workbench (instead  weapons cost less the higher level you can craft them at). I'm assuming this is unintended.

Something like that to fix it, maybe:

/recipes/recipe[@craft_area='workbench' and contains(@tags, 'perkAdvancedEngineering')]/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='CraftingIngredientCount']/@level


Additionally, it might be better for compatibility with other mods to change xpaths for Advanced Engineering crafting unlocks to contains instead of =, this way if a mod loaded earlier adds a recipe, your change won't fail to apply.


I think there might be an issue with reducing crafting costs (instead of reducing the base and giving lower levels a percentage increase), where the game wouldn't let me craft the max number of stuff I theoretically had resources for (eg. by pressing the max button in crafting). The issue disappeared once I removed the percentage reduction at later levels.


I also think that crafting time reductions from Advanced Engineering don't seem to work, but I have no idea why (I had lvl 8, someone witth a lower level could craft ammo and steel faster). When looking at the xml, everything seemed fine. I solved this by adding more separate CraftingTime passive_effect for higher levels:

    <append xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkAdvancedEngineering']/effect_group" >
            <passive_effect name="CraftingTime" operation="perc_add" level="3,8" value="-0.2" tags="forgeCrafting"/>
            <passive_effect name="CraftingTime" operation="perc_add" level="4,8" value="-0.2" tags="workbenchCrafting,cementMixerCrafting"/>
            <passive_effect name="CraftingTime" operation="perc_add" level="6,8" value="-0.35" tags="forgeCrafting"/>
            <passive_effect name="CraftingTime" operation="perc_add" level="7,8" value="-0.35" tags="workbenchCrafting,cementMixerCrafting"/>

Now that I'm writing this, I could have just tested something like that instead:

    <append xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkAdvancedEngineering']/effect_group" >
            <passive_effect name="CraftingTime" operation="perc_add" level="3" value="-0.4" tags="forgeCrafting"/>
            <passive_effect name="CraftingTime" operation="perc_add" level="4" value="-0.4" tags="workbenchCrafting,cementMixerCrafting"/>
            <passive_effect name="CraftingTime" operation="perc_add" level="6" value="-0.6" tags="forgeCrafting"/>
            <passive_effect name="CraftingTime" operation="perc_add" level="7" value="-0.6" tags="workbenchCrafting,cementMixerCrafting"/>

But my edit worked well enough.


In general, this mod is a bit troublesome, compatibility wise, since most other mods set their unlocks to eg. levels 3,5, but I'm not sure how this could be fixed. Adding those as separate perks that would stack with base ones could help (you'd still have the 5th lvl perk for other mods), I think you could base_add the CraftingTier, but there might be some issues with this approach I'm not seeing.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/12/2021 at 12:13 PM, Meracat0r said:

Not sure if someone mentioned it and I didn't see it but it looks like once you unlock level 8 Better Barter and unlock Bri's secret stash it glitches it and those secret stash is no longer available at all

I have the exact same problem with the better barter perks

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  • 4 weeks later...

Is the High Level Perks mod compatible with the SMXui? I have both installed and while I see the added high level perks, there is no way to upgrade my skill levels beyond 10th level to allow me access to the high level perks...

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  • 2 months later...
  • 8 months later...

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