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How to tweak the undead from jumping and climbing?


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Hey, I have not played this game in years and recently came back to take a look at how the game is progressing. Honestly, I really hate seeing zombies jumping. I know it seemed easier in the past to make it so zombies can't climb ladders but what about jumping? I often times have a zombie just stuck in one location and just repeating a jump over and over.


Does someone have a mod suggestion for me to try? I'm more on the "Walking Dead" mind frame of zombies not these superpower undead that really don't feel like zombies anymore. 

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On 5/27/2021 at 5:59 AM, xyth said:


Some folks like to sit all day in the lovely castles they built and just watch the zombies wander about 🙂


This is actually no joke.  There are some people who like a longer more casual game even with blood moon hordes off.


Like sandbox, survival lite experience like minecraft

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If you'd be comfortable adding this yourself, you can create a simple mod to achieve what you want.


In entityclasses, set CanClimbLadders to false and JumpMaxDistance to 0. There are plenty of xpath tutorials on the forum.


You could also look for a mod. I don't know of any off the top of my head, but I'm sure someone has made one. If you want to try doing it yourself, let me know if you need help.

Edited by Jegethy
Accidentally a word (see edit history)
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