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Player character spazzes out after loading into world


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This issue wasn't there before. It started to happen right after I loaded two times into my world right now to see if it would fix it. Nevertheless, it didn't. Basically, I spawn in and can move freely for about a minute. What I noticed howewer is, that the gear I currently hold in my hands doesn't bob with my steps I make. It stands still. After the minute is over, I begin to lose control over either the X or Y axis movement of the camera rotation (means I can't look either up/down or right/left at random for the rest of the game, but I still perform movements and actions). When I jumped, my camera severly spinned and did a barrel roll around. I landed on my feet, and the view is stuck sideways now as seen in the picture attachment. The only issue I could come up with is that I left the game while crouching below a head-over stair block. I'm using the Darkness Falls mod, though I'am highly sure the issue isn't related to the mod, but due to bad position while leaving the world. I kindly don't want to kill myself over this so I'd like to avoid that for now if there are any other solutions available.


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Please tell us the reason why you think it is some ladder you were sitting under and not the mod? 😉


Meanwhile I'll throw in the small fact that if a PC is older and has a hard time playing 7D2D at acceptable rates (>20 fps) or it is hitting limits like the available RAM, it may lead to very hard to reproduce error states. A very demanding mod like DF might bring out such issues while vanilla might still work fine.


Here are three similar reports:








Notice that none of them really continue to give enough detail, especially a logfile, to help testers to reproduce the issue, but the last one hints at performance problems. Strangely the first bug report was put into the confirmed section, but without any steps to reproduce it I doubt this classification is correct.


If you want more help, please read the sticky thread in general support that tells you to read it. It shows you how to post a logfile. Without a logfile we can only make wild guesses in all directions. My guess is it was the Yeti that did it 😁

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1 hour ago, meganoth said:

Please tell us the reason why you think it is some ladder you were sitting under and not the mod? 😉


Meanwhile I'll throw in the small fact that if a PC is older and has a hard time playing 7D2D at acceptable rates (>20 fps) or it is hitting limits like the available RAM, it may lead to very hard to reproduce error states. A very demanding mod like DF might bring out such issues while vanilla might still work fine.


Here are three similar reports:








Notice that none of them really continue to give enough detail, especially a logfile, to help testers to reproduce the issue, but the last one hints at performance problems. Strangely the first bug report was put into the confirmed section, but without any steps to reproduce it I doubt this classification is correct.


If you want more help, please read the sticky thread in general support that tells you to read it. It shows you how to post a logfile. Without a logfile we can only make wild guesses in all directions. My guess is it was the Yeti that did it 😁

Thank you for the links. I had a hard time getting the issue through searching on the internet and decided to create my own thread about it. I managed to fix the issue by restarting the game completely, which fixed everything. I later found out one post about it which had the exact same issue and on the base vanilla game, so it was definitely not the mod at work. Nevertheless, if people who have the same issue at the moment, they know what to do now to fix it if they stumble upon this post.

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1 hour ago, DominionZA said:

I later found out one post about it which had the exact same issue and on the base vanilla game

With the same version you play ?

When the posting was about an older version, it has less relevance with the current version. Next time post the link of the posting you are refering.

But don't you think when it would be a vanilla issue, alot more people would have the same problem. Sure it can be that your combination of hardware and installed driver/software can cause the problem.

But since you use an unknown amout of mod's the first suspect are the mods.


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1 hour ago, Canute said:

With the same version you play ?

When the posting was about an older version, it has less relevance with the current version. Next time post the link of the posting you are refering.

But don't you think when it would be a vanilla issue, alot more people would have the same problem. Sure it can be that your combination of hardware and installed driver/software can cause the problem.

But since you use an unknown amout of mod's the first suspect are the mods.


The post was on version 19.2. I don't use any mods other than the Darkness Fall mod. It seemed to be an general issue.

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Darkness fall is a complete overhaul, the mod even use a different vanilla files to work with (you notice this when you are digging, at DF you can see through the ground while at A19 you can't do this anymore).

So maybe ask the mod author about it.


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1 hour ago, Canute said:

Darkness fall is a complete overhaul, the mod even use a different vanilla files to work with (you notice this when you are digging, at DF you can see through the ground while at A19 you can't do this anymore).

So maybe ask the mod author about it.


A19 you can get the see thru ground as well. I got it in A19.2.

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