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kinda of a true dead?


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3 hours ago, Zerir said:

So just a quick question, has someone ever develop or is interest in developing a mod that send you to lvl 1 everytime you die losing all skill points but not the schematics and books?


Hi Zerir


I think I remember that there are some mods like that, one mod is from Khaine (DMT) and the other is from Khzmusik (Xml), take a look at them.





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Much as I love Khaine's most excellent "Darkness Falls" mod, it pretty much replaces the entire vanilla  game, and that makes it a great pain to change or add your own flavors to it.  It is a very, very good and comprehensive overhaul, but it is very much a new game and a new learning experience.  Khaine does, however, make a "Reset Player DMT" mod which may well answer your interest - I've read the discussions and so on, but really haven't tried it, as it seemed to be very "final", and so I did more reading, and found Khzmusik's  "Mostly Dead - DMT"  - it works beautifully, doesn't give "Bedroll protection", and gives you a nice death, but does remove points and books/schematics.  However - all that you had in your old life is still there, so - if you can find the old base again - just move in. Schematics and points are not too hard to recover too, if you use Stallionsden/Valmar's  "Survivor Notes" Mod - all you need to do is build a "Study Desk" (some wood, some nails and an Office Chair, and go looting to get "Notes", (which are all over the place).  You can change any number of the "costs" (how many Notes needed) for each schematic in the xml if you like.  Also, a nice feature - by "re-buying" or "buying" one a schematic - or Book - that you don't need - and then just "Reading" (R) the Schematic - instead of "Using" (A) the Schematic - it will give you a quest (which does nothing) but will give you a Skill Point. It might take some time to get back to where you were, but you also get to discover more of the map, and even start another base which may well be better than the old one.

Try both - you can simply delete them if you don't like this style of death.


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Hey, my ears are burning. :)


If you want any kind of "dead is dead" scenario, then you can use either my modlets, or Khaine's. They are very similar but achieve two slightly different things.


Khaine's ResetPlayerDMT modlet is for single-player only, and requires DMT. It is a "permadeath" or "hardcore mode" modlet, meaning that when you die, it does what it can to reset everything about the game: 

  • The player's skill points are removed entirely - they are given some starting XP to compensate
  • The player's map is reset
  • All players' vehicles are destroyed
  • Land claim blocks are rendered inoperable
  • Active quests are removed
  • The player respawns with a quest to find a trader, which will reward them with the usual items you get when starting a new game (one bottled water, one can of chili, etc.)
  • Probably some more stuff that I'm forgetting


EDIT: I forgot to mention - you do not need Darkness Falls to use this modlet. It can be used on its own.


My modlets have a slightly different goal. My intent is to do what I call a "mostly dead" play style (for lack of a better term). tl;dr - you start as a new character but at the same level. If you are really curious you can read Mostly Dead: A Manifesto.


If you want XML-only modlets, I have two that you can use:

  • No Bedrolls - bedrolls (and beds) are no longer spawn points and no longer keep zombies from spawning.
  • Reset Skills On Death - resets, but does not remove, skill points when you die. Also removes all books read. (It's basically the same effect as Forgettin' Elixir.)

If you don't mind DMT, then I have one called Mostly Dead. It is very similar to Khaine's modlet - in fact, I basically rewrote his code, since it didn't have the specific features I wanted.


Here's what it does:

  • All the stuff from the XML-only modlets (so you don't need to download them separately)
  • Force "delete all" on death, regardless of what they player said in the options screen
  • The player's map is reset, and all the player's waypoints are removed
  • The dead player's vehicles are destroyed
  • Land claim blocks are rendered inoperable
  • Active quests are removed
  • The player is given items upon spawning, scaled by player level 
  • The player's ACL is cleared - they no longer have any friends in their friends list (for multiplayer)


It's your choice which one you want. I won't get insulted if it's not mine. :) 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/1/2021 at 5:01 PM, khzmusik said:

Hey, my ears are burning. :)


If you want any kind of "dead is dead" scenario, then you can use either my modlets, or Khaine's. They are very similar but achieve two slightly different things.


Khaine's ResetPlayerDMT modlet is for single-player only, and requires DMT. It is a "permadeath" or "hardcore mode" modlet, meaning that when you die, it does what it can to reset everything about the game: 

  • The player's skill points are removed entirely - they are given some starting XP to compensate
  • The player's map is reset
  • All players' vehicles are destroyed
  • Land claim blocks are rendered inoperable
  • Active quests are removed
  • The player respawns with a quest to find a trader, which will reward them with the usual items you get when starting a new game (one bottled water, one can of chili, etc.)
  • Probably some more stuff that I'm forgetting


EDIT: I forgot to mention - you do not need Darkness Falls to use this modlet. It can be used on its own.


My modlets have a slightly different goal. My intent is to do what I call a "mostly dead" play style (for lack of a better term). tl;dr - you start as a new character but at the same level. If you are really curious you can read Mostly Dead: A Manifesto.


If you want XML-only modlets, I have two that you can use:

  • No Bedrolls - bedrolls (and beds) are no longer spawn points and no longer keep zombies from spawning.
  • Reset Skills On Death - resets, but does not remove, skill points when you die. Also removes all books read. (It's basically the same effect as Forgettin' Elixir.)

If you don't mind DMT, then I have one called Mostly Dead. It is very similar to Khaine's modlet - in fact, I basically rewrote his code, since it didn't have the specific features I wanted.


Here's what it does:

  • All the stuff from the XML-only modlets (so you don't need to download them separately)
  • Force "delete all" on death, regardless of what they player said in the options screen
  • The player's map is reset, and all the player's waypoints are removed
  • The dead player's vehicles are destroyed
  • Land claim blocks are rendered inoperable
  • Active quests are removed
  • The player is given items upon spawning, scaled by player level 
  • The player's ACL is cleared - they no longer have any friends in their friends list (for multiplayer)


It's your choice which one you want. I won't get insulted if it's not mine. :) 

Thats sounds Horrible painful.... I LOVE IT! THANKS MAN

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On 3/16/2021 at 11:41 AM, Zerir said:

Thats sounds Horrible painful.... I LOVE IT! THANKS MAN


Thanks! (Or, if you go with Khaine's, then I guess thanks from him.)


I just re-read your post, and I did notice that you don't want the books or schematics to be reset. Neither of our modlets do this by default, but there is an easy way to set it.


Instructions are in my README.md file, but here's the short version. Look in configs/buffs.xml (in the modlet) for this:

<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="ResetProgression" reset_books="true"/>


Just change "true" to "false".


Happy hunting!

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