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Dedicated Server Login Error


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Me and a few friends have been playing on a private server using latest alpha 19 unstable build. for around 10-12hrs of play time on this one and it is modded.  While in the middle of playing one of the others got stuck in a starting world screen for around 5 minutes after dying and trying to respawn.  He force closed the client and attempted to log back in.  Now he is getting an error everytime he does.  No one else has the error when they leave and log in.  We have restarted the server, clear his profile from the server, he's deleted his profile client side, and reinstalled 7dtd completely. He keeps receiving the same error though and we're not sure what it is.  Might anyone be able to point us toward the problem?


ERR NCSimple_Deserializer (ch=0):

InvalidInputException: incorrect header check

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I am experiencing exactly the same issue on my regular server from my first attempt to join it from today. I appreciate the attempts you have made to find a workaround. I attempted to join another server running a default map as a new player and could join without issue.

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2 hours ago, Orphen said:

ERR NCSimple_Deserializer (ch=0):

InvalidInputException: incorrect header check

That sounds like a corrupted file. I guess the playerfile on the server became damaged. That's also why he is the only getting this error.


Afaik there is now way to repair that. Delete it and the player will start from scratch. (maybe give him xp by the cheat commands to at least bring him back to the level he was before)


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@Orphen There's also an update to the A19.3 b6 EXP. It's possible my client downloaded it without me noticing. I'll update the server and report back.


Yes, both the client and server are now on A19.3 (b6) and I was able to join without issue. The 'incorrect header check' was the hint to check out the main updates thread.

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