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My problems with A19.


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I can't even do quests with loot re-spawn disabled, as I always have since 2014. Quests just respawn loot anyway. Loot shouldn't respawn ever, if loot respawn is disabled. And there is a silly bug that makes all the grass disappear after starting a quest.

-When the structure is reset by a quest all the containers that were looted should keep their inventory/state. In the case that the container was destroyed, it should be replaced, and count as if it was just looted and be left empty.

-I can imagine the grass bug is already known and will be fixed.

Awful stone age concept. Gun crates should have proper GUNS in them, tool crate should have proper TOOLS in them, and med crates should have proper MEDS in them. No point to looting anything with the stone age in effect until gamestage 50, and getting to 50 takes a long time. It's easy to get iron tools up and running from the forge, but they are removed from the loot tables anyway.

-Restoring the A18 loot system would fix the problems I have with it.

Using 50 pillars for a melee base is still not great because dogs can get through.

-Not allowing dogs to get through them would be nice, more base building options is better.

Injury system that forces you to wear armor and there for have poor stamina.

-If the stamina cost of armor was reduced that might make it better.

I played Navezgane for 7 days and not one dear, ridiculous considering how much I have to eat in this alpha.

-Making deer spawns less random would be nice.

Zombies rock their head back and forward so much when hitting walls. That it's a pain to use the bow to shoot them from above.

-A little bit of zombie head movement when they hitting walls is fine and balanced, but it needs to be reduced. More viable base defense options is better.

Zombie hit boxes are terrible. It's happened more times then I can count, I watch my arrows pass through their face.

-Fix the hit boxes, sync issues, or whatever is causing the problem.

On the positive note.
The new lighting looks good.
The new zombies look good.
The dynamic music is nice.
The new guns are a nice edition.
Unfortunately, nice graphics don't make or break a game.

You can get offended, say I'm complaining too much, and try too undermine what I say, but these are just my honest opinions about alpha 19. No harm intended, it's just my honest feedback with some possible changes and solutions that I think would make 7 Days To Die a better game.

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5 hours ago, jeromeN7 said:

You can get offended, say I'm complaining too much, and try too undermine what I say, but these are just my honest opinions about alpha 19. No harm intended, it's just my honest feedback with some possible changes and solutions that I think would make 7 Days To Die a better game.

You can preemptively attempt to dissuade anyone from disagreeing with your opinion, but people will still share their own honest contrary opinions and why they disagree. No harm intended, it’s just a public forum and not everyone will want the possible changes you do. 

I’ll just mention that your opinion on how a quest resets a POI runs counter to the whole reason they have it reset and I don’t see them ever changing it. Maintaining the looted state through a reset wil have to be a mod. 

Also, regarding deer, large game is more prevalent at night. Chickens and rabbits galore in the daytime but deer have a higher probability at night. Risk/reward.

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3 hours ago, Roland said:

You can preemptively attempt to dissuade anyone from disagreeing with your opinion, but people will still share their own honest contrary opinions and why they disagree. No harm intended, it’s just a public forum and not everyone will want the possible changes you do. 

I’ll just mention that your opinion on how a quest resets a POI runs counter to the whole reason they have it reset and I don’t see them ever changing it. Maintaining the looted state through a reset wil have to be a mod. 

Also, regarding deer, large game is more prevalent at night. Chickens and rabbits galore in the daytime but deer have a higher probability at night. Risk/reward.

I think he has a point with POIs not getting new loot if there is a config option of "No loot respawn". That option is just not complete. You are right that there is a reason for it in default play, but a player setting such an option would not be surprised if that option is really working then. 


Implementing it might be difficult though and they might postone a fix indefinitely even if they agree. OP should do a bug report about this if he cares


What I really don't agree with is his head rocking problem. If someone is a bad shot, he should get a blunderbuss. This isn't "The deer hunter" game where willing targets line up for a shot 😉



PS: Ways to make it easier hitting a head: 1) Decrease the distance 2) shoot them from the same height 3) get in sync with their head motion when shooting


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