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docks_03 Disappearing in Navezgane


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Hi all

When alpha 19.1 was released I started a new survival playthrough in Navezgane and noticed that a building was disappearing as I got closer to it. I ignored it for a while but recently I had a trader quest send me there. As I got closer it disappeared again including the exclamation point to start the quest, the tracker said I was about 15m away but there was nothing around. It's the dock on the west side of the big lake opposite the smaller island in the lake and closest to the South, about 200m North after you cross the bridge. The dock a bit further North is there and working. I'm fairly confidant it's Dock 03 that's the issue (and Dock 02 is similar but the more northern one). Is there a way to fix it without starting again? I've since updated to alpha 19.2 and verified my game files but it hasn't fixed it. I took a screen cap of the poi in my testing world and a few in my play through showing it there, going and gone as I moved closer to it.

Disappearing dock.jpg

Dock there.jpg

Dock going.jpg

Dock gone.jpg

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I figured it out. I got to thinking that perhaps that chunk was corrupted but since I'd been playing the world for a while I didn't want to go randomly deleting .7rg files in case I lose my base and the likes so I started searching and came upon this console command "chunkreset <xstart> <zstart> <xend> <zend>". I loaded up my save turned on debug mode and took the coordinates a little away from one corner of where the poi should be and then the opposite, flew far away to the snow biome since it only works for chunks not currently loaded and typed "chunkreset -1590 546 -1675 430". When I came back to the POI it was there and fixed. I had a look at the 2 closest buildings and both were still looted. Now I can finally loot the place, pity I already deleted the trader challenge. Also I confirmed that this is actually docks_02 if anyone's interested.


As another side note it was a reply by SylenThunder in another thread where I found the information on the console command.

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On 10/17/2020 at 9:13 PM, dazza555 said:

I figured it out. I got to thinking that perhaps that chunk was corrupted but since I'd been playing the world for a while I didn't want to go randomly deleting .7rg files in case I lose my base and the likes so I started searching and came upon this console command "chunkreset <xstart> <zstart> <xend> <zend>". I loaded up my save turned on debug mode and took the coordinates a little away from one corner of where the poi should be and then the opposite, flew far away to the snow biome since it only works for chunks not currently loaded and typed "chunkreset -1590 546 -1675 430". When I came back to the POI it was there and fixed. I had a look at the 2 closest buildings and both were still looted. Now I can finally loot the place, pity I already deleted the trader challenge. Also I confirmed that this is actually docks_02 if anyone's interested.


As another side note it was a reply by SylenThunder in another thread where I found the information on the console command.

I had this exact same issue with docks_02... since you did the leg work already, all I had to do was copy and paste your coordinates after getting a little distance. Thanks.

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