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Can regular zombies turn feral at night?


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When I started A18 I remember I actually met a feral zombie in a road on day 1 (damn thing killed me like 3 times) but I assumed it was just a bug on the new alpha... now on A19.1, I've found this situation:

I dont know if this a bug or something intended.. but yesterday I started a new game (A19.1) and I noticed some wandering zombies seemed to have turned feral at night (glowy eyes and I believe I got more XP for killing them). IS that a thing? Or maybe they were spawned as ferals?

Anyone ever had that?

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Nope, once zombies are spawned, they stay as they are. Regular zombies will start running at night (with default game settings) but not become feral (glowing eyes). Also ferals will only spawn once you reached a certain gamestage. So no, on day 1 or 2 there should be no ferals. Afaik also not back then in A18. And it should not be able to kill you 3 times, because once it killed you first time, it should despawn (and also each nearby zombie too). There was a bug in A19 experimental that animals didn't despawn on kill, but that was fixed.

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1 hour ago, Liesel Weppen said:

So no, on day 1 or 2 there should be no ferals. Afaik also not back then in A18. And it should not be able to kill you 3 times, because once it killed you first time, it should despawn (and also each nearby zombie too).

It happened to me. It was a feral... nurse or a cheerleader in broad daylight. I died 3 times to her despite her looking like a pin cushion with my stone arrows and I was just trying to get my backpack back. All vanilla settings. I cant recall if it was A18.0 stable or experimental. I believe it was stable.

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The night crew for all biomes except wasteland has feral versions of every zombie which are 1/5th as likely to spawn compared to their normal variants. (Due to math wankery, the prob=".25" does not mean "25% chance to spawn".)

<entitygroup name="ZombiesNight">
    <entity name="zombieSpider" prob="1"/>
    <entity name="zombieSpiderFeral" prob=".25"/>
    ...repeats for each pair of normal/feral zombie...

In the wasteland, all night zombies are feral.


The day crew for forest, desert, and wasteland is just all normal zombie variants.

<entitygroup name="ZombiesAll">
    <entity name="zombieBoe"/>
    <entity name="zombieJoe"/>
    <entity name="zombieSteve"/>

Burnt forest day crew is all burned and crawlers. Snow day crew is all lumberjacks. I modded normies into my snow biome to change things up a bit.

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