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Clarification on how game calculates loot drops?


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I'm trying to fix and rework individual zombie looting, but not entirely sure on how the game calculates what and how much to drop.


for example Killing a Janitor and looting him, with this loot.xml entry for his body (with 50% loot abundance in serverconfig)

<!--	 Zombie Janitor  -->
	<lootcontainer id="924" count="1,3" size="4,3" destroy_on_close="false" sound_open="UseActions/open_corpse" sound_close="UseActions/close_corpse" open_time="1" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate">
		<item group="GenZLoot" prob="60"/>	
		<item group="electricalDevices" prob="5"/>	
		<item name="meleeToolRepairT1ClawHammer"/>
		<item name="meleeToolSalvageT1Wrench"/>
		<item name="resourceScrapIron" count="1,30" prob="1.5"/>
		<item name="meleeToolFlashlight02" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="resourceMechanicalParts" count="1,3" prob="0.3"/>
		<item name="resourceRepairKit" count="1,2"/>
		<item name="resourceDuctTape" count="1,3"/>
		<item name="resourceGlue"/>
		<item name="resourceNail" count="1,10"/>
		<item name="resourceDoorKnob"/>
		<item name="resourceAcid"/>	
		<item name="armorMiningHelmet" mods="modArmorHelmetLight" mod_chance="1" prob="0.015"/>

Do the game essentially roll a 100 digit between 1 to 3 times (in this case) and then decide from the list what to get (And how do it calculate all the things with no prob value?)

When do the lootabundance modifier come into play? Do that value affect the count values or simply decide if we get an item or not?

How does the loot_quality_template affect the looting?




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My understanding is limited but this is what I think:


  What you say is correct, a random number from 1 to 3 is chosen each time.   (99% sure)


No prob = default value = 1.0  (90% sure)


loot_quality_template is related to gamestage for all players playing together.


lootabundance  I dont know about.



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