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Is there a way to increase the server disconnect "timeout" limit?


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A friend playing on my server is using a wireless internet card and he said it will lose connection for literally ONE SECOND and the game server drops his connection and he has to spend 3 minute rejoining because it's a modded server and takes awhile to initialize on his end.

This does not seem fair, many games/servers will offer the option to increase the "timeout disconnect limit" to like 10-15 seconds, not literally 1 second.

I've Googled a bunch of different terms and found nothing, saw nothing in serverconfig or any other config files either. This should be possible.

Does anyone know how to accomplish this?

For instance the same friend who disconnects, will be in Discord voice chat with us and Discord DOES NOT DISCONNECT HIM because his connection was only lost for a couple seconds.

To explain in a different way, I want to be able to set the server so it doesn't disconnect clients until their internet connection has been lost for more than 5 seconds. This should be extremely simple, why is it not an option in the serverconfig.xml?

If anyone has any suggestions, even if it requires mods, please let me know :)

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Well to be fair, he's not dropping internet for merely one second if he's getting kicked from the server. He would have had to have had quite a bit of packet loss leading up to that for the server to drop him that fast.

There is also a huge difference between a secure connection to a game server, and the way something like Discord is managed. Discord is expressly coded to automatically re-connect you. You are basically comparing a telephone to an arcade game.


The only suggestion, is for your friend to get a real network connection. They will have that issue with 95% of multiplayer games that exist.

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It's literally 2 seconds at the max, he looks at his internet connection quality in Windows and it's only lost the connection for like 2 seconds MAX. You can tell me all you want but I know what I saw. Even in Discord we stop hearing him talk for 2-3 seconds max and then his voice connection comes back. But the entire time he is not booted from the voice chat because Discord has a longer timeout limit than 7 Days to Die.

I don't care about packet loss, it's my server, why can't I decide when players get disconnected?

He plays a lot of other games with us and has FAR less problems on other games, so it's really just a problem with 7 Days to Die being so picky and booting people practically immediately.

Discord allows a grace period before people are actually booted from the voice chat, of at least 5 seconds. All I am asking is for 7 Days to Die to have the same option. It's really not a huge ask.

There is no "secure connection" to my  game server, EAC is off and it's a public server lol. I don't see what security has to do with packet loss either.

Also Discord doesn't take 3 minutes to reconnect/initialize the world so that's kind of a bad comparison, if it takes 3 minutes to rejoin a server that's all the more reason to allow server owners to decide when people timeout. I wouldn't even be asking about increasing the timeout limit if he could just rejoin/reinitialize the world in 5 seconds.

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43 minutes ago, Beelzybub said:

Maybe a server manager can help. I know botman has a ping timeout feature that

can allow for longer ping times before booting a player off.

Also there are steps the player can take to improve his wireless setup. For example using

Android Wifi Analyzer to improve his connection reliability.

I'm aware of that feature but I think it's just an additional feature on TOP of whatever vanilla timeout the server has, I do not think it has the ability to change the default timeout time. This is from their documentation:

/set ping kick target {new or all}
By default if a ping kick is set it only applies to new players. Set to all to have it applied to everyone.
Note: Does not apply to exempt players which includes admins, donors and individuals that have been bot whitelisted.
Restricted to owners and admins in-game and IRC

AFAIK it's just to kick players with a high ping, I don't think it has anything to do with how long they've lost connection so I'm pretty sure it won't help me, especially because Botman doesn't run on Windows and my server is on Windows. I think it's only meant to be MORE STRICT than vanilla when it comes to kicking players, not less strict which is what I need.

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