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Riles Vanilla Plus


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21 hours ago, Riles said:

@gpcstargate Hello! and thanks! hmmm... I just checked the links, it should be starting over at version 1.00 with a new name, vanilla plus. It is technically, "Fixes 1.08" lol! Let me know if you need help getting it downloaded!


Thank you, I went ahead and downloaded yesterday .. So I will update my games with this Newer version.


Take Care and Enjoy ... the Old Gamer .. 😌


EDIT with PS: .. Just a suggestion on the *Warning Note* on the first page .. No problem with me, I kinda laugh about it .. but thought something would happen. Anyway .. Add something like .. (DO NOT change from old version or earlier version to New Version _ Without Starting a New Game, You Will have many different changes to old items) or something like that.


The reason I say this all my steel bars changed to what looked like Wood Door Frames _ my ladders changed to a flat metal looking plate .. but it looked like everything that done with Old Version changed to something else .. Like I said NO PROBLEM and I just laugh to myself about it and started a new game and Yes I do see alot of work went into the New Version and many changes were added.


Thank You again for a Great Mode and I do really Enjoy all the different shapes. 


Take Care and Be Safe as always .. the Old Gamer .. 😌


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Good day Riles

Have a simple question ... with your new version .. Did you add skeletons to the zombie bodies?? What I mean _ when you kill one, it turns into a skeleton instead of disappearing .. at first I thought Pimps added it back into the game with A19.4, but I did a plan Vanilla game with No mods and the body and all vanishes.

The only new Mod is yours, so I'm thinking you added them back into the game and if so, How long does the body stay around and will it go away on it's own in time?? (Like maybe 1 game day or less)

Thank You ... the Old Gamer .. 😌 

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Okie-Dokie Riles .. Now I know 😊 Now I will add my other mods back into game .. Thank you for the reply.

As Always .. Take Care and Be Safe ... the Old Gamer .. 😌


PS: I think you might want to put a time limit on zombies or we could be over run with body parts .. Just a thought

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1 hour ago, gpcstargate said:

put a time limit on zombies

I considered this, but adding time limits and/or new entities that the game has to manage may clog up the processing. I was seeking being able to see the aftermath and/or when playing on a server, you can see if anything went down around your base. Also, to help manage, I made it to where the bodies take about 1 shot to clean up.


What are your thoughts?

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On 3/18/2021 at 4:51 AM, Riles said:



If I understand correctly, then yes. To clarify, when you reload, you are putting 3 bolts on it at once. When you shoot, all 3 bolts should fire at once as well. What are you thoughts? 


Hi Riles and Good Day


To be honest I was thinking more in line with the old repeater .. holds 3 and shots singles .. but then on the other other hand .. what you did makes since because of the higher damage.

Maybe a repeater would be great .. Holds 3 bolts and shots single with just a bit less damage or same damage with an higher grade bolt. Just a couple of thoughts.

(PS: There was a 5 shot repeater on Nexus, but never got updated .. so I stopped using it) .. something you might want to check out when you have time. 😊


Thank you and as always .. Take Care and be Safe ... the Old Gamer .. 😌

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On 3/14/2021 at 5:03 PM, Riles said:

I considered this, but adding time limits and/or new entities that the game has to manage may clog up the processing. I was seeking being able to see the aftermath and/or when playing on a server, you can see if anything went down around your base. Also, to help manage, I made it to where the bodies take about 1 shot to clean up.


What are your thoughts?

If the intent is to show the aftermath, then a 6-12 hour timer should do the trick. That way the server isn't trying to maintain every gore block ever created that was not cleaned up by a player. 


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I didn't think the gore blocks were drawing on the processing of the game? I thought if there were timers, it would then draw more on the game? Help me understand please! If it is the cause of the performance issues, please explain it to me so I can make the needed adjustments. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP! 

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23 hours ago, Riles said:

I didn't think the gore blocks were drawing on the processing of the game? I thought if there were timers, it would then draw more on the game? Help me understand please! If it is the cause of the performance issues, please explain it to me so I can make the needed adjustments. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP! 


Good day Riles ..

I'm not a programmer or designer in any way ... What I think "magejosh" is saying .. TFP removed gore block awhile back because of performance and memory issues and put them them on a short timer .. the more the game has in it with some items becomes a problem after a while .. so lets say you have several hundred gore blocks laying around and just not the ones you kill, but are killed by animals or other things, then you are adding something that memory does really need and does slow things down. 

But if you put a timer on them .. lets say 6 hours .. then the memory will release said item and performance will improve.

If he can add some more daylight on the subject .. I would like to hear it also.

But; That is my understanding of it, in simple terms.


I personally don't have many memory issues with my system, because I'm running 64 ram _ 4 - SSD drive, just need a newer video card (Lol), but it works.


Have a great week and as always .. Take Care and Be Safe ... the Old Gamer .. 😌 .......... PS: I finally got my Covid19 shot today 😊 thank goodness.

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Basically this exactly. 

So the game loads up each layer of the world file into a voxel block composite that we navigate through with our player avatar. Gore blocks are not part of the world file, but are instead stored in the regions files and loaded up into the ram whenever a player is near the region and could see it. 

It's not like any individual gore block makes much difference, but, compounding interest can take it's toll. Much like how having too many vehicles placed in the world strains the server, though that happens much faster because the vehicle manager takes more system resources.

If you are on a server running 8+ regular players, with a blood moon every 7 days, plus all the zombies killed by player actions in the world, and even those which are killed by other npc entities, the number of gore blocks persisting begins growing exponentially faster than you would ever encounter in a single player game. Idk about you but most servers I play on, players see an average range of 50-300 zombie kills per horde night depending on server settings and player skills. Those are not particularly impressive numbers by any means, but using those you can see that by the end of the first horde night the number of gore blocks created can number over a thousand potentially.

Just like any computer that has been on too long, and loaded, then closed, and then loaded, and closed again any app, the ram becomes inefficient increasingly until a system reboot. Mitigating anything adding to that should help server performances. Hence, while a timer does add another system process, it ultimately provides a net system resources gain once it's duration is complete. 


I could be wrong, but in my experience on my server leaving gore blocks and loot bags with no timer meant i needed more frequent server restarts.


Either way, I absolutely love your work Riles. I'm currently using version 1.06 on my server. I wanted to update, but that caused conflicts i couldnt resolve for this maps playthrough. I'm hoping to do so for the next map though because I like what I see reading about it.


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1 hour ago, Sunbursts said:

Its seems best way to get iron with exp by misctrapSpikesWoodDmg0
Is is possible to fix this? It not good btw.


uh oh! To clarify, you are getting Iron and extra XP from breaking the wooden trap? that is definitely fixable... nice catch.

@magejosh I will see what I can do now that I think I understand what is happening. goodness, didn't realize it was clogging up the servers.

@Sunbursts OMG! it was just one line of code that I had to remove to fix it....... it isn't just traps, it is any of the "reinforced wood" built from within the MISC blocks that gave that iron and extra xp...... Thanks for catching this!!!

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Honestly, it's more that the function of the game itself can be resource intensive really quickly with how open the settings are depending on how you are hosting your server and how far from the devs intentions you take it with your game settings and what mods you use. It's easy to make your server unplayable really quickly if you don't know what you are doing. (Says the guy with more red flag emails from pingperfect than he wants to admit). For me it's been a fun learning experience.  Thanks for all your work on this mod, once i installed 1.06 i never went back to playing without it, I consider it a major quality of life improvement. I look forward to updating to the new version on my next server reset. 



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It has indeed been a fun learning experience! I haven't decided yet what I'm going to do about the zombie corpses... I'm getting conflicting results from multiple users of my mod. I personally have a server that pumps out WAY more zombies than default and there are corpses littered all across the land, so to speak. lol. AND requires a daily restart..... Then there are other servers with major performance issues specifically because of those zombie corpses... And I laugh all maniac-like when I think of the corpses that act like a biological land mine. So I have about 5 different options to test out to see about improvements/removing certain aspects/offering "pick and choose" packs for the mod.


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I know i will be happy with whatever you make. You have a great mind and make cool stuff.

I handled the problem with a lootable corpses mod that changes the timer to be 20 minutes. Well, and just set servertools to auto restart the server every 8 hours. Seems to keep things working pretty well. Because yeah, high zombie numbers is definitely a thing that makes the game seem more immersive and fun.  


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On 3/29/2021 at 11:31 AM, magejosh said:

I know i will be happy with whatever you make. You have a great mind and make cool stuff.

I handled the problem with a lootable corpses mod that changes the timer to be 20 minutes. Well, and just set servertools to auto restart the server every 8 hours. Seems to keep things working pretty well. Because yeah, high zombie numbers is definitely a thing that makes the game seem more immersive and fun.  



Good day magejosh

Can you point me to the timer file .. I looked, but I must have missed it. I would like to change mine also. Thank you ... the Old Gamer .. 😌

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On 4/1/2021 at 7:56 AM, gpcstargate said:


Good day magejosh

Can you point me to the timer file .. I looked, but I must have missed it. I would like to change mine also. Thank you ... the Old Gamer .. 😌

I just downloaded a fresh copy of the latest version of riles vanilla plus and it's already set to 20 minutes in there for animals, that code will be useful later in this comment. It's in entityclasses, TimeStayAfterDeath is the property name you want.  And if you look, you will see that the zombie entities have had two properties appended to their entries, which govern the chance they turn into a corpse block of some sort when they despawn. What you will want to do, is add  that TimeStayAfterDeath property with the time value you want in seconds right after the property called CorpseBlockChance. So 300 for 5 minutes, or 60 for 1 minute. 

<property name="TimeStayAfterDeath" value="60" />

That should work for what you're wanting. I used a mod called lams zombie harvesting perk and that's where i found the culprit for my problem, which was making the zombie's actual dead body to remain for 15 minutes before turning to a corpse block. On top of that i was using a headshots only mod which made harvesting corpes impossible if they didn't have a head. 

Riles here has it set so the zombies don't stick around past 10 seconds after death. They leave behind a corpse block that you can harvest from. If you don't want that, the easier method would be to disable the corpseblock chance by setting it to 0. 

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Good day magejosh


So What you are saying _ is add this Line after Corpse .......... CorpseBlockChance/property[@name='TimeStayAfterDeath']/@value">300</set> ............ Should look like this and for each One in the list. Using the way Riles did the file quote.


I will wait and see if this is correct before commenting .. Lol.


Thank You and Have a good one as always Take Care and Be Safe ... the Old Gamer .. 😌

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2 hours ago, gpcstargate said:

Good day magejosh


So What you are saying _ is add this Line after Corpse .......... CorpseBlockChance/property[@name='TimeStayAfterDeath']/@value">300</set> ............ Should look like this and for each One in the list. Using the way Riles did the file quote.


I will wait and see if this is correct before commenting .. Lol.


Thank You and Have a good one as always Take Care and Be Safe ... the Old Gamer .. 😌

That should do the trick. If it causes problems let me know. 

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Good day Riles


I tried to modify that file as per discussion with magejosh .. But I kept getting a "RED Error message, mod failed to load" and everything I did would not get rid of it .. So to Make Life easy on me .. Sorry to say .. I just delete the  "entityclasses xml"  and everything is working just Fine again and I have other mod in game to keep loot bags around for a while. Just wanted to let you know and Thank you a great mod

Take Care and Be Safe ... the Old Gamer .. 😌


PS: I did take a screen shot if you would like to see it. ( not one of my better ones, but readable )

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  • 2 weeks later...


@gpcstargate @magejosh


If you are up for it, I have a possible finish to version 1.01 of VanillaPlus that I hope fixes up the whole corpse situation. If you are willing to test it out I would greatly appreciate!




I'm still working on writing the "updates" that were applied but there are many localization errors fixed, added paper to the bundling system, zombie gore blocks are not a thing anymore (exploding corpse is but much lower chance of falling and can easily delete that line of code), but the zombies are harvestable with some variety based on the zombie itself, along with lots of adjustments to wasteland harvesting (it was waaaaayyy to much), and other odds and ends. Let me know your thoughts!


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I am very curious about the Zombie harvesting in the 1.01 version.  If I were to run a duplicate of my dedicated server and update to 1.01 would it likely cause issues or do you feel it would need a fresh save?

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Hello! It "should" be safe to upgrade as I did not mess with the order of codes with my changes. Keep in mind, the link above is not the "official" VanillaPlus1.01. I'm still testing and making corrections before official publish. I intend to continue to keeping my mod as safe as possible for upgrades. As far as the gore blocks, new ones will not appear (Except a small chance of the exploding guts). Let me know your thoughts. I hope to have it published later this week with official notes of the changes.


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