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Regarding Silent Zombies...


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So I've been playing since like alpha 15 or so, and I love it, but I can't stand the fact that zombies make zero sound when indoors. It makes me feel like my character is deaf or something. How can it be that sometimes I can hear a zombie's activation snarl from about 20 meters away, but if I'm sneaking around in a house, any damage I take  is ALWAYS the result of taking a blow to the back of the head from some random that levitated down a hallway without any footsteps or anything? Is this a design decision with an explanation, or a known bug that will be addressed in a future alpha? Because frankly, the current work around is to constantly do a 180 every few seconds, which looks ridiculous and is immersion breaking.

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Yeah I'd like to know too if the stealth zombies are intended or not. They make stealth builds even more questionable than they are right now.

I can clearly hear zombie footsteps outdoors, but indoors they are completely silent as you said.

Couple of days ago I went into a POI, cleared downstairs, went upstairs sneaking. I was looking left as I ascended the stairs, and a spider zombie spawned in the corner right in front of my eyes and jumped at me, without making a sound. No screech, no jump sound, no landing sound.

If I had looked forward I wouldn't have had any idea it was there. I guess atleast the "no aggro sound" part is a bug. I've had tons of mini heart attacks due to these levitating mute zombies.

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I keep seeing them mention that they did some update to zombie footsteps, or something of that nature, through the past few alphas.
Maybe I am just misunderstanding the notes every time, but every time I am thinking it is to fix this issue.... and it never is fixed.

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