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I have finally reached the point where I don't worry about food but I'm not sure why


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It seems like everyday I am out of what I cooked the day before  but I always have something different that I can cook to get me through the day. Yesterday was sham chowder, today it was chilli dogs. Could have made blueberry pie. I haven't made bacon and eggs in a long time but I have plenty of eggs and now I don't look for them anymore. Whenever a trader has any for sale I buy all them.


Sure feels good when you get there but I can't figure out how it works.

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How what works?  Hunger itself is not complicated.  Your food decreases by a set amount and that amount increases whenever your character needs to regenerate stamina or is driving.


After about level 30 I just start to ignore hunger for the most part.  The negatives are irrelevant at that point and I can remain at starving status for an entire day without breaking a sweat.  Ill just eat a bandage or 2 every 20 minutes. 

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Food is only an issue in early game. Early game: loot the bird nests you are coming by when walking to your missions. If you see a deer or pig, kill it, harvest it. That gives enough of meat and eggs for bacon&eggs. Once you got enough eggs and meat, keep the cans for better food crafting. Setup a garden with potatoes and corn as soon as you can. Once you have some plots with potatoes and corn, you have a lifetime supply of food. If you don't get meat for whatever unable reason, also plant mushrooms for vegetable stew.

Food is just an issue in early game.

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