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4 Player Multiplayer Ping


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At First sry for my bad englisch.....



We have a problem with Multiplayer sessions in all of our 7dtd versions. We are 4 Players with good PCs Like 


2700+ 2080 and 16 or 32gb RAM more than 50mps cable 


Ist it normal that the Ping goes like hell 15000 and more? With 3 Players there ist no problem. 


With a dedicated Server or virtuell Server hoster there ist no Problem.


Ist 4 Player with lokal Host that also play with us too much for our PCs ?


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So you are talking about the ingame server?


Did you switch hosts? Is the fourth player only a problem if one specific of you 4 hosts the game or also if one of the other three hosts a game?


I'd assume the problem more on the router the server is behind. Maybe it doesn't accept the 4th connection on the same ports? However that would also hit if using a dedicated server...

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6 hours ago, FFWaechter said:

But it goes good with 3 Players...... The fourth is to much.....

Just to make really really sure: You are saying it doesn't matter which of the 3 non-hosting players is missing for the ping to drop to normal, right?



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I speak about a lokal server. 4 players and one of them is player and host at the same time. 


It doesn't matter who the 3 dudes are only a fourth player is the problem



Player + host




That's no problem







That's the problem. Not from the first second. When we play more than 30 minutes. The ping goes to 20000+ ping and Pendle after 2ore 4 minutes to normal 100-75ping. In alpha 17 we had a problem that all the players had a dismiss async connection that don't goes under 20000+ping when the problem don't chance back to normal.  


And it do not make a difference who make the server from us. So it's not a problem from the isp or router. 

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Never heard of such a problem before. When my friends and I started in alpha 15 we first tried hosting multiplayer at home, but no matter who made the host the connection was generally slow and unsatisfactory. Since that time I have always rented a server.



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5 hours ago, FFWaechter said:

We think thats a Performance problem from the engine. The PC from the hostet Server can not handle 4 Players and self gaming .....,..

Just making sure, the game AND the save game are stored on SSD, right?


Also you could try to turn off hyperthreading on the serving PC.


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9 hours ago, FFWaechter said:

We think thats a Performance problem from the engine. The PC from the hostet Server can not handle 4 Players and self gaming .....,..

Well since the base client engine supports 8 players, and is capable of 16 players without an issue. The dedicated server client can get up to 30 with the correct hardware configuration, that's not it.


Everything points to some bottleneck or throttling when you hit that 4th player.

My personal bet is security software, and that's covered in multiple places with intricate detail in the Sticky FAQ thread.

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