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A Multiplayer's Diary


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I like to play permadeath server roulette. Since this is my memory up to now, I'll group the events by real life day and do paragraphs by subject rather than chronologically. So with that knowledge, here's my A19 story so far.


I get started a little late on Monday so most servers are already days in. I search through servers and pick a candidate that meets my requirements. I generally want default everything, elevated difficulty, 60-90 minute days and generous land claim settings. I settle on a server run by The Hated Crew. They are running 90 minute days on Survivalist difficulty (2nd highest).


Day 1 to Day 4 (Server day 4-7)
Getting Started
I spawned almost directly next to the Grace POI at about 17:00. I blitzed my starter quests then I stripped the basement clean of cement and cobblestone as well as the first floor of the Corn side. And of course, I grabbed the super corn. I killed one boar in a cage (30 meat) but did not push my luck. I spent the night achieving this.


Quests and Looting
I cleared about 2 quests a day over the next 3 game days. Notable loot was a couple pieces of scrap armor, a quality 2 iron sledgehammer, a quality 2 claw hammer, various schematics (M60, Auto Shotty, Work Bench and Cement Mixer included), 1 qual 3 blunderbuss, 2 qual 1 double barrels, a qual 1 pistol and a qual 1 AK.


Other Players
The other players are dropping like flies on the server. I find out that a number of them are having trouble with food. I make a point to be early to the trader and raid the vending machine whether I need the food or not. I anticipate lean times ahead.



I popped an early point into Living off the Land to take advantage of the Super Corn. My other 3 points went into Fortitude (2) and Natural Healing (1). I focus on getting Natural Healing and Iron Gut up to 2 today so I can go hard into Strength.


I'm the only one online to push the clock, so it's extra incentive to stay for horde even though it's getting late. I don't want to be "that guy." I have barely enough time to get my melee window horde base ready and upgraded to cobble. I slam a sham chowder and a coffee and go at it with my Sledge, using my guns as backup. Horde is over by 23:45. It was pleasantly less severe than I had anticipated.

Day 5 to Day 8 (Server day 18 to 21)
With a fledgling base started, I decided to get my mixer crafted today. I forget for most of the day that I looted a workbench schematic yesterday. I end up wasting a lot of time trying to locate a work bench to no avail. Overnight on day 20 I realize I can make a work bench while checking the ingredients. I feel real dumb. 


Other Players
Starvation appears to be worse today than yesterday.


Quests and Looting
I still manage to grind out 2-3 quests a day on foot. No double clears today, all the POIs have been run already. I manage to get a buried treasure and another trader opened up. I found a Forge Ahead today, along with an Urban Combat 4 and a Doorknob mag. Other notable loot: quality 4 iron sledge and a quality 4 AK and double barrel. I notice that Jen must have a terrible surplus of Pipe Bombs as she dumps 20 at a time on me for quest rewards. I go through most of my food reserves, though I refuse to eat the corn below 15 (for seeding). I decide to check the Grace POI for respawns. Luckily all the upstairs boars are alive and well. I walk away with 180 meat. I notice that my quality 6 stone shovel appears to be straight better than all the low quality iron shovels I'm finding.


Other Players
I get my forge built early in the day and it pumps out forged iron for me as much as possible. I craft a set of Quality 3 Iron Armor made and fit it with all the fittings mods and pockets I have. (4 fittings and 4 encumbrance worth of pockets). Early on day 21 I get my work bench and cement mixer made. I pump out as much concrete as possible, which is enough for 1 row of blocks on all 4 sides of my Melee Tower.


At this point I'm still fleshing out Strength pretty hard core. I've got Sexy Trex up to 3 along with Sledgehammer. Heavy Armor is sitting at 2. Miner 69er up to 3 and Motherlode at 1. Boomstick sits at a couple of points.


1 other person is online with me when horde rolls around and he sticks it out with me, whereever he is. Horde is almost as uneventful as the first, ending a little after midnight. The Sledgehammer plus the Gumbo (schematic, still 0/? on Master Chef) I can craft now and Coffee is close to all I need. The dying zeds are supplying all the stamina I need to nearly endlessly power attack. I do notice a ton of spiders and dogs though. The AK gets a fair bit of use as it's the only way I have of killing short enemies. A pair of vultures manage to tickle the top of my base. As I'm getting ready to sleep, 1 point of intellect and 1 point of Grease Monkey.

Day 9 to Day 11 (Server day 32 to 35) - 1 server day skipped to go grocery shopping
When I went to log in, the server clock was in the middle of the night, so I decided to wait until 3am to log in. The first thing I did was make a bicycle. Without too much of a plan in place, I decided to hit a rock in front of Jen's place until she opens up. I'm glad I did. She's got a Crucible Schematic in Secret Stash and I fall over myself buying it. Today's plan becomes steel for my Auto Shotty. I've already got the oil, mechanical parts and clay on hand. I just need to get some stone and forged iron.


Other Players
Players aren't really talking about food or hunger today, so I'm not sure if they've solved their problems or just stopped complaining about them. It's mostly a quiet day.


Quests and Looting
I spammed quests again today. Notably, I flipped the nearby drug lab's chemistry station into a functional one. I find a Quality 5 Iron Sledgehammer, a solid upgrade.


I spent all my skill points today on getting boomstick up to 4 so I can make my Auto Shotty. It would figure I finally found a cigar 30 minutes after I got my 7th point of Strength.


Since it was a short day. I didn't manage to get everything needed for my Auto Shotty. I end up only being short on polymers. However, I did take the time to recraft all my Iron Armor at quality 5.


My base didn't get much in the way of upgrades this time around. I always convert my early game melee window into a more fortress like killing corridor style base and the more I upgrade it early, the more time I have to spent converting it. Horde ends up being a little ont he close side. At the end, I'm 2 blocks away from a breach and spiders/dogs able to breach. I start putting my pipe bombs to use this time around. I finish up horde around 3am, only a little shaken.


Day 12 to Day 17 (Server day 44 to 49)
Make Auto Shotty. Start making Steel Armor. Convert Horde Base in preparation for electric fencing.


Other Players
Players are still complaining about food, but starvation seems to no longer be an issue. I appear to be one of the last players without a death. The only other one is a base builder with less than 500 zeds killed. After horde, there's a fair amount of commiseration about Demolishers being ridiculously spongy at Survivalist difficulty.


Quests and Looting
Early on in the day I find a steel armor schematic in Jen's secret stash. That gives me a solid secondary goal for the day. I pick up a couple quests for Glock9's "best POI in the game." The loot was good but apart from the quality 2 steel pickaxe, all of it was vender fodder. I also picked up a pair of Old Gambrel 03s near the end of the day. I don't have time to run them, but tomorrow I should never have to worry about food ever again.


I finish grabbing all the perks I care about in the Strength Tree that I can get at Strength 7. That's all of them minus the Club perk and Master Chef. My horde night skill points go into getting Fortitude up to 5 and grabbing Natural Healing 3.


I get the Auto Shotty made early in the day. It replaces my Blunderbuss on my belt. I also use my accumulated steel armor parts to make a quality 5 steel boots and steel helmet. The helmet is sadly weaker than the Quality 3 Swat Helmet I found earlier today. I'm a bit salty about it and sell it for money.


I get most of my base upgrades done, but not the LOS blockers. For some reason the cops don't puke at range too much tonight so it's kind of moot. I see my first spitting vultures tonight. There's an apparent orgy of birds at my roof most of the night so I have to pause to AK them out of the sky occasionally. I swear I can't find an SMG turret fast enough...

At the 4 windows things are getting hellish. Zeds seem to be coming from all 4 directions at once rather than 1 or 2 at a time like previous alphas. I have to rush between windows with my sledge. My iron sledge is starting to show its age at this point as ferals take multiple power attacks to go down, even with skull crushers. I make a fair amount of use of my Auto Shotty and pipe bombs as my slower kill speed is causing me stamina issues. I lose about 4 blocks tonight, but fortunately they are on difference sides and I'm in no danger of a breach. I see my first radiated zeds tonight, a pair of radiated spiders. They are nothing to my AK.

There seems to be no pauses in the horde like I remember, it's a steady stream of zeds from start to finish. I don't finish horde early tonight. It goes to 4am. All told, I've added 400 to my zombie kill over the horde.




Day 18 to Day 23 (Server Day 59 to 64)
My goals started out simple enough. The plan started with kicking Grace's @%$*#! a few times while raiding the place for all the cement and rotten meat it can provide. I also wanted to get plenty of time on the horde base. This of course all changed when the fire nation attacked Trader Joel had a steel sledgehammer schematic in his secret stash.


Other Players
It was a very active day on the server. A couple of established players were ferrying food around for the low level players. One of the players unlocked tier 5 quests and a group of them partied up to take on the Shotgun Messiah factory. I bumped into one of the server admins at a Trader. We didn't chat much, but she friended me and I accepted.


Quests and Looting
In spite of only running Old Gambrel 03 once, it was a pretty big day for looting. I found a quality 4 Junk Turret in a gun safe at the Fire Station on the way to the Trader. I also picked up a Quality 6 Steel Pickaxe, Pistol and Iron Crossbow (which is stronger than my quality 1 Composite Crossbow) somewhere along the way. I found the sneak over trash magazine today, a big boost to my clear speed. As an amusing side note, I've now looted 15 destroyed chem stations without getting a schematic.  I spent a fair amount of time trying to find the 3 steel sledgehammer parts I was missing. I ended up getting them after about 2 days of working on it. At the end of the day I found some quality 5 Steel Leg Armor in the horde loot. I'm about halfway to a full set.


I picked up Iron Gut 3 today and moved on to the INT tree. Now it's time to push for Electric Fences. I also picked up a few points of Better Barter to make the Traders more profitable.


I spent about half an hour mining stone to supply my concrete factory. My new Pickaxe 3 hits stone and between Rock Busters and Motherlode 4, I'm pulling in a lot of stone quickly. I craft up what mods I can for my Junk Turret, giving it an extended Barrel and a cripple 'em.


I did get a good amount of time in on the horde base. I managed to get the Electric Fence areas upgraded enough to where I was safe to upgrade the main melee window without having to worry about any AI shenanigans. No Electric Fences yet, but I'm certain I'll have them in for the next horde.


I did my usual pre-horde prep. I popped coffee, a high stamina food (sham chowder again today) and some skull crushers. Horde itself was easier today. There was only 7 vultures all night, which was great for my sanity as they are noisy @%$*#!s. I saw a few radiated cheerleaders and a big momma today along with a rad spider. My steel sledge made short work of everything that wasn't radiated. I only ran out of stamina twice tonight, the first when I didn't notice coffee dropped and the second time when I became thirsty from popping some pills. I didn't need the pipe bombs today but I ended up using about a stack of shotgun ammo, there were a lot of cops this time around. My junk turret pulled its weight shooting the heads of the zeds I knocked down, but I noticed its satisfying firing sound has changed to be a piddly "pew pew" sound, similar to the dart traps.


Horde lasted all night again. Repairs were finished by 6:30. I only lost 1 block all night. The zeds apparently got upset at part of my Cop screen. For some reason the zeds mostly only came in one direction tonight, though there was the occasional zed at the other windows.





Day 19 to Day 22 (Server Day 76-79)
I logged on later than usual due to watching fireworks. This left me little time to prep for horde. I decide to do one clear of Old Gambrel 03 for cement and then hit up the traders before settling into the horde base prep.


Other Players
While prepping for horde I absent mindedly left the door open to the base. While I'm upgrading some concrete I hear my forge open. I rush over to see another player checking out my work stations. Some unkind words sends him on his way. I can't readily identify anything missing. After horde it sounds like some of the other established players had some substantial damage.


Quests and Looting.
I finished all my active quests involving Old Gambrel 03 today. If I want any more resets, I'll have to camp the traders. I shouldn't need to any time soon all the same. I'm fairly certain I've got enough cement to finish the base. With the first clear's loot I'm able to pick up enough electric fence posts to cover all of my melee windows as well as 2 SMG turrets from Trader Bob. I pick up at Quality 6 Steel Shovel today and buy a bunch of perk magazines. I also finally loot a chem station schematic. Finally, I got a quality 3 M60 from a quest reward.


Today I focused on getting Int fleshed out. Since I managed to buy the 8 fence posts I needed for bare minimum coverage, I decided to focus on Better Barter first.


I immediately put my new Chem Station to work making glue out of the 2000 bones I've amassed from all those boars and corpses. I've also got one forge grinding out steel all day to upgrade the walls of my kill zone, to make sure the AI doesn't do anything dumb. After horde I also spend some time crafting mods for my guns.


I get most of the base up to Reinforced Concrete today. I also get my electric fences set up in front of my kill windows and SMG turrets on the roof.


Horde was kind of an action packed snooze. I drank coffee at the right times and mostly just held right click. Every now and again I'd hear the SMG turrets kill off a bird. My base took very low damage today. The electric fences mostly stopped the zeds from attacking too much.


I saw a lot more radiated zeds today: Edgers, Arlenes, Big Mommas, Spiders, Cheerleaders and Moes. I'm able to one shot a few of them with power attacks to the head today. I figure the damage from the fences are softening them up just a little bit to get them into my kill threshold. Interestingly, I only had cops and vultures in the first half of the horde. After a certain point they just stopped showing up.


I ended up losing 1 block tonight, mostly because I wasn't paying any attention to damage at all. My bad.




At this point I've basically reached my win condition. I'm no longer in any danger during horde nights and I doubt that'll change when Demolishers show up. I don't use guns much, so I can reserve my M60 loaded with AP rounds to take out any that I see.


Bonus Pic, 6th Horde Loot

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9 hours ago, Laz Man said:

Awesome read, and well done!  Thanks for taking the time to journal your adventure!




You should do horde night videos.  I'd watch and sub. 😀

Thanks :)


I'd probably need to get permission to show server chat in my video. I'm not sure what the proper etiquette is there. It's an interesting idea though. I'll see what my options are.

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