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10 Slot Toolbelt (A19 Edition)


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This was a massive pain to get working.

But here it is. 10 slot toolbelt tested and working for Alpha 19! I got some help from w00kie n00kie because TFP changed a few things in the DLL, which meant my old mod no longer worked and needed some Harmony 2.0 magic to get working. However, this mod is now ENTIRELY harmony based, which means you could add it to any other mod that has a DLL patched with harmony.

Please be aware that you will need either DMT 1.6 with Harmony 2 manually patched in, or you will need to wait for DMT 2.0 to be released (which has Harmony 2.0 included by default)

Download link: https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/khainedmt-a19/-/archive/master/khainedmt-a19-master.zip?path=10SlotToolbelt

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You need to download harmony from here: https://github.com/pardeike/Harmony/releases
And DMT from here: https://github.com/HAL-NINE-THOUSAND/DMT/releases/download/v1.6/DMTv1.6.7444.30177.zip

Once you have DMT setup, open the harmony zip and I THINK you want the net45 folder. Copy the 0harmony.dll from there into your DMT folder.

And that's it. It's now ready to build Harmony 2.0 DLL's. :)

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I did the above and when I go to build it says (below) but it's OK ill wait for DHT 2, thanks for the reply


This Assembly-CSharp.dll file has already been patched by SDX so can not be used as a backup. Reset your game files and try again.
Build failed


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On 7/1/2020 at 12:37 PM, AaronG85 said:

I did the above and when I go to build it says (below) but it's OK ill wait for DHT 2, thanks for the reply


This Assembly-CSharp.dll file has already been patched by SDX so can not be used as a backup. Reset your game files and try again.
Build failed


I have the same problem. I have a clean dll (validated through steam). I use the newly released DMT 2.0.

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