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Icons missing for custom tools

G.W Cook

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Hey! I made a few new tools to use up that dang tungsten I've been stockpiling for a while, they work great and all, repair fine. However, I'm having trouble getting the game to show an icon for them. From what I can glean, this is defined in the items.xml (feel free to correct me anytime I'm wrong), with the preview thingy (here for the (original) pickaxe): [CODE][/CODE] So, if that is right, how come my new tools don't show any icon? Is it that each icon can only be used for one item id? (I would be surprised) I guess I'm missing something huge like when I was making shotgun slugs and went overboard with the id# (can't go up to 4800 because it makes tons of errors messages that you can't figure out are cause by that). And just in case my syntax is just wrong and that is the cause, here's one of them as an example: [CODE] [/CODE] I'm really curious as to what I'm doing wrong. And if someone has the position for the fireaxe, I'd be really grateful if you could share with me, because in my original files it's not there... and somehow the icon works fine. Edit: For furture reference, the working code is now: [CODE] [/CODE]
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You can also tint the custom icon a different color to differentiate it from the original item. I believe you can find the script in the skullcap items. I have several done that way but don't want to post it without looking at it - just in case I post it wrong.

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   <item id="792" name="1911LT" material="metal" stacknumber="1" mesh_file="Items/Weapons/Ranged/Pistol/PistolPrefab" hold_type="ht_Pistol" repair_tools="weaponRepairKit">    
       <property name="CustomIcon" value="pistol"/>
	<property name="CustomIconTint" value="FFFF99"/>
       <degradation usetimes="300" breaks="false" />

       <property name="SoundJammed" value="Weapons/weapon_jam" />
       <property name="Weight" value="33" />

           <property name="DamageBonus.head" value="7" />
		<property name="DamageBonus.glass" value="25" />



       <preview zoom="14" pos="0.1,-0.1" rot="0,-45,0" />
	<property name="Group" value="Ammo/Weapons" />

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You can also tint the custom icon a different color to differentiate it from the original item. I believe you can find the script in the skullcap items. I have several done that way but don't want to post it without looking at it - just in case I post it wrong.


Good to know. Thanks.



@LT.: If I didn't know better, I would think you just made an STI aluminum frame 1911. If I'm not mistaken, that's a golden hue right?



Edit: So it is indeed in the colored skullCaps. There is also something I find interesting in there, it would appear you can also alter the color of the object's texture?


<property class="UMA">
		<property name="OverlayTints" value="AD0000" />



And any way to alter the alpha? Say I would like to make an object brighter than the original? Am I out of luck?

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Is there a list of the tints anywhere? I searched but my googlefoo failed me


Any hex color will work. Some people use colorpicker.com; I use GIMP 2.0. Really, even MS Paint would work - anything that lets you select a color and gives a number/letter combination like 575757 or 441c1c etc etc.

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  • 3 years later...

Ok so i have been testing trying to make new items from the items already in the game - i know the item is rubbish but its for testing. It works fine but there is no picture for it. in game its just a blank square with the name underneath it. the customicon line should be the one to give it the image right ? I used veg stew and changed the name and item id. i changed a few values in there which all work. i then changed it from veg stew to meatstew but still not getting an image. i also added the recipe in the recipe xml (see below) Please can someone help me out here.




<item id="1505" name="healthyStew">

<property name="customIcon" Value="meatStew"/>

<!-- <property name="HandMeshfile" value="Items/Food/venison_stewHandPrefab"/> -->

<property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Food/venison_stewPrefab"/>

<property name="Material" value="organic"/>

<property name="HoldType" value="23"/>

<property name="Stacknumber" value="50"/> <!-- STK food -->

<property name="EconomicValue" value="200"/>

<property class="Action1">

<property name="Class" value="Eat"/>

<property name="Delay" value="1.0"/>

<property name="Use_time" value="..."/>

<property name="Gain_health" value="20"/>

<property name="Gain_food" value="20"/>

<property name="Buff" value="extinguishFireBuff"/>

<property name="Debuff" value="infection,dysentery,dysentery2"/>

<property name="Gain_water" value="0"/>

<property name="Gain_wellness" value="2.0"/>

<property name="Sound_start" value="player_drinking"/>

<!-- jar from cooking food <property name="Create_item" value="emptyJar"/> -->

<property name="Buff" value="stewWarming,eatFood_78_Trigger"/>


<property name="Smell" value="exLargeSmell"/>

<property name="Group" value="Food/Cooking"/>






<recipe name="healthyStew" count="1" craft_area="campfire">

<ingredient name="herbalAntibiotics" count="5"/>

<ingredient name="antibiotics" count="5"/>

<ingredient name="meatStew" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="vegetableStew" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="bottledWater" count="2"/>


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