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107 days in


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I'm one of us that has been persisting with console 7DTD on and off for a few years now. With some fun couch co-op, despite the crashes, and experimenting with map seeds, I have finally made it to 100+ days on solo without quitting in frustration and starting again. Yay for me. 

I see on the forums it's mostly about when is an update. I just hope to still be playing if an update/reboot comes. I look with envious eyes at YouTube clips of how the PC version has developed. Not going the PC way, there is something really fun about couch co-op survival. 

Just putting my 5 cents in and saying hi to all you other crazy's who have persisted with such a dodgy game like 7DTD console. 


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Congrats on the 107 days in one game. I made it to 67 days and stupidly ran over a land mine in a snow biome near the Army Camp. So far my only gripe is that it seems to crash at least once every multi-player session and only had the MD5 error once also during multiplayer. Other than that I have fun playing the game immensely.

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