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This would be awesome....


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The ability to join a public PVE or PVP game and bring your character and base progression with you. If there was a map like Navezgane that had designated spawn locations for people to load their base and character in and out of. Being able to team up with randoms to take on a point of interest, trade, show off items and base building progress and then being able to leave that game and go to another while bringing all your progress would be awesome and could change the whole dynamic of the game. I have a lot of ideas to add but want to keep this short and leave it open for discussion.

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I like the idea... I can see a lot of fun with it.

It wouldn't come without problems for the devs andserver owners to face though.

They would have to prevent bases built in creative/prefab editor somehow. The designated base spawn locations would have to be similar to trader locations where someone could not build or alter the terrain from bedrock to sky, which then leads to another problem that people will know where these locations are and could make things difficult for people joining in.  Another problem I see is that limits would have to be set for these bases in terms of width and depth.

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What about a new map with no editor capability for players and blocking access to the designated spawn areas with a visible barrier if there isn't a base currently loaded there. I know there would be challenges and problems to overcome but I think it would be very fun and could generate additional revenue for The Fun Pimps' troubles. 

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Sure, but the problem isn't the map... it's the base that can be created in creative and then loaded in. I'm thinking in terms of PVP with most of the issues I presented. For PVE, probably not an issue at all.
I think the biggest issue of all them would be the base size. You would have to prevent someone loading in a 1000 x 1 strip of blocks that far exceeds the intended spawn point.

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I was more referencing the server hopping geared griefers that was common in Day Z, not something that was enjoyable to be on the receiving end of in that game and would end up being a nasty problem for 7D2D if your suggestion was implemented.

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4 minutes ago, Antix18 said:

What were the griefers doing?

Setting up with line of sight to areas known for decent loot or being areas where new spawns would pop in. Kill a bunch on one server till the targets stopped showing up (either through the targets giving up on playing or the targets changing servers) then re-logging to a different server in the same exact position to do it all over again.

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11 hours ago, Antix18 said:

Yeah that doesn't sound too fun but having PVE servers should eliminate that from happening and having base spawns that could only be edited by owners. 

... Build base with solar based power system powering turrets set to target strangers in a known commonly used crossroads or choke point. Server hop and loot the player drops. Return to home server to grind up ammo when needed... Probably a server xml or config that could mitigate/prevent it, not sure though.

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