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[Rant in disbelief] I spent the whole night trying and it won't even show up in game!

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I spent the whole night trying to create a new item in game by following Xyth's Unity tutorial, I used everything I could think of to make it show up in the game and guess what! It just doesn't work! It gives no errors, says it's loaded without problems, but it actually doesn't exist in game. What the hell? I butchered it all one piece by another to figure out what's the problem. I even reduced the mod to very basics just to see at least a bit of progress. Out of sheer despair, just to check that I am not crazy, I decided to also butcher mods made by other people that are normally working and implemented their parts to my mod trying to see if that would make any difference. NOTHING. Absolutely NOTHING. What the hell? Is it actually working and I'm just asleep, having a freaking nightmare?!! This is bull*hit. ?

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Sorry man, I was pissed off and left it as it was (totally butchered, files were moved to several different directories on my hdd in the troubleshooting process) and I went to bed when I was out of ideas. Couldn't sleep much, because I'm sick. I will try to put all the files together again and I will upload it somewhere. The model that I tried to use was a free model from Unity asset store. Are we allowed to use free models from there for our mods and share them here as a part of our mods?

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If you did the first tutorial, did you start with my tutorial project and load that into Unity 2019.1? If so, then did you add a simple Unity cube to the scene, put a simple texture onto it, then making sure the cube is located at 000, drag that prefab into any folder in unity then right click to export it as a .unity3d file? Then confirm success in the game?


Or did you jump ahead and try to import something of unknown alignment from the unity store? If you introduce new unknowns into the process without succeeding in the very basic process then your setting yourself up for problems.

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If you did the first tutorial, did you start with my tutorial project and load that into Unity 2019.1? If so, then did you add a simple Unity cube to the scene, put a simple texture onto it, then making sure the cube is located at 000, drag that prefab into any folder in unity then right click to export it as a .unity3d file? Then confirm success in the game?


Or did you jump ahead and try to import something of unknown alignment from the unity store? If you introduce new unknowns into the process without succeeding in the very basic process then your setting yourself up for problems.


Like I said, the thing is that I also tried assets from mods made by other people including you just to make sure I didn't make a mistake in Unity part and those assets from actual mods that normally work in their own mods, those still did not work here in my set-up. This is mind boggling as f. sorry, I just can't believe that everything loads, game doesn't complain about anything, says it's loaded and yet it doesn't show in recipes, doesn't show in creative menu, it's simply not in game. I would like to share what I created so far, but I'm not even sure what exactly to share anymore, because I keep changing things to try something different because nothing works, now it's just change this or that blindly not really knowing what I'm doing here anymore, just trying random changes because I am out of ideas at this point.

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Ok guys, this is one of the buttloads of versions I had, but hey the content doesn't really matter because I butchered it into pieces, to complete basics an nothing worked so I have no idea what the heck is wrong anymore...


You can download it from here. It was supposed to be a crowbar for faster way to open safes - I tried to replicate an older mod that doesn't work anymore in Alpha 18.


And again Xyth, please note that I tried your bat model here as well just to be sure that Unity part is not a problem and it did not work either.

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Damn... Just after uploading the file I noticed the typo in Config directory name, it's Configs instead of Config! Renaming that to a proper name fixes the problem with the mod loading into the game. But now that it's loaded, I see the crowbar is not in hand! Well, when I switch to third person view, it shows up in hand for a second and falls down like if the hands of my character were absolutely clumsy, well, considering that stupid mistake in the directory name, it is quite a possibility lol


Could you guys throw me a bone here? What did I do wrong here?

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Ok, I think I managed to align it... Not sure why, but in order to align it, I had to use vanilla bat_LOD2 to help me with that. I guess that's another thing I will never understand, but hey I managed to put it in game at last. Now there's still couple of issues.


1) I'm not sure if it loads the texture correctly or if it loads it at all.


Is there a possibility that it wouldn't load texture for some reason? Because I didn't really mess with the settings of the model except movements and rotations to align it for default position. But maybe there's no texture in the first place, not sure, but I guess it's better this way, because players can apply dyes on it and the colors are pretty bright on this shiny thing.


2) Xmls... This mod was supposed to be a replica of an older mod which introduced a crowbar that could one hit safes. After analyzing the original xml, I concluded that it was based on changing the materials of safes to special material added by the mod that would make sure the safe would open after hitting it once with this thing, so I did that in this mod as well and used <property name="DamageBonus.boulder" value="2500"/> inside Action0 in item just like it was in the original mod for A16.4. Inside that new material there was a property called damage_category with value Boulder, so I guess that would let the crowbar one hit safes and rocks, but not so useful against other materials. If I remember correctly it worked similarly to this in the original version.


Unfortunately this part of the mod doesn't seem to work...


3) Perhaps it's worth noting that the crowbar's swing currently doesn't visibly touch the targets like zombie heads. Is this something that can be achieved for better immersion? Maybe by changing HoldType?

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