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Dirt block without biome texture override


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When I place a snow block in the desert biome, its texture turns to desert soil (even though if still drops snow when harvested). Is there a way to create soil blocks like in a17, which would not change appearance depending on the biome ?


I tried to create new block and material for snow, but it was not sufficient. How does the game identifies which block to alter ? How to create a block which remains unaltered ?


Thank you very much !

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There are lines in the biome.xml that determine the terrain textures but they are not working at the moment. The game currently looks at the biome name and paints the soil top texture. I assume this is a bug with the new angular terrain feature that lets the steep sides of hills and excavations have a different texture than the flats. I hope it is fixed soon, so we can make custom biomes again.

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Thank you convergent.


The re-painting you describe (both the future solution with biome.xml, or the current with name) do not apply to all blocks (for instance wood blocks), but only to terrain (maybe stone too, as there is some frozen stone). So there must be a block condition that trigger it (some tag, maybe it's "is terrain", "is dirt", "has some texture_id" ...), which I want to know.


If I could create a new block not containing such trigger, it would keep its initial texture. Even if the condition is on the texture_id, I could duplicate it with Unity under a new id. I just need to know the condition to change it in my duplicate block !

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I might be off track but if you look at bdubyahs grass blocks you can find a block with a terrain texture that does not have the is terrain tag, so it maintains its texture and cube shape. It will not conform to the terrain at all, much like painting a vanilla wood block with a grass texture.

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If you made any progress on this, please post! I have abandoned my biomes work at the moment as I cant create custom biomes or subbiomes. 


I think, there is no way to create your (new)biome now - it's a hardcoded.

Everything you do will have - the texture of the stone on the surface.


PS: Block textures and terrains textures are contained in different resources and are processed in fundamentally different ways.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am not digging this further, waiting for a fix.


Just a random guess for motivated people : in the Chunk class there are methods GetTextureFull, GetBlockFaceTexture, TextureIdxToTextureFullValue64 etc... Maybe patching these could do the work.

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