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Player Bought Vending Machines


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In my experience and according to the in-game notes, NPCs will only visit the rented machines. I haven't looked any deeper into it, but they seem to like food and meds a lot. I'm not sure if I've ever sold a piece of equipment to an NPC... I make money off of renting, both in single and multiplayer. It was and may even still be bugged so that you can collect the dukes back from your machine when you pay to extend the rent.


The purchased machines are good for MP, especially if you make some centralized spot where people can visit and place their own. Be careful, though. They are not protected from destruction if not claimed.

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When you rent the machines, what do you set the price of the items you sell to? If standard, why not just sell to Joe? I have had no luck with them myself so I am curious as to how yall are making a profit.


Because at least in A17 there was a limit to what a trader would buy. Have 5 pistols and don't want to take 2 home because the trader is giving you the bird after selling 3 of them? Rent a machine!



Now, from very limited experience I've not had much luck with the vending machines. I've rented them and filled them up but had no purchases for a day or two. I didn't really do much investigation into it. However, I have watched a stream where the person did get some money from his loot - it might have been Kage, not sure - so perhaps it all depends on whether the trader already has that loot before the machines are used.


If 7DtD had large servers, say something like DayZ with 10s, even 100s of players online at once, I could see the benefit of renting a vending machine. As it is now, it seems more an idea that was planned but was never fully fleshed out.

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